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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:21:01

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第497页(1031字)


vt.①跟随:Follow Chairman Mao and make revolution for ever.跟着毛主席,永远干革命.Spring follows winter.冬去春来.②沿,顺…走:follow the road of integration with workers,peasants and soldiers走与工农兵相结合的道路.③遵循,听从,仿效:follow sb.’s advice听某人劝告.follow Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line遵循毛主席的革命路线.follow Comrade Chang Szu-teh’s example以张思德同志为榜样.follow suit照样做.follow the crowd随大流.④领会,理解:Do you follow me?你明白我的话吗?Are you following me?听清楚没有? follow sb.’s arguments领会某人的论点.⑤追求,追踪:a desire to follow knowledge求知欲.follow sth.out贯彻,彻底实行.⑥从事:follow the sea当海员.follow the plough当农民.

-vi.①跟随:follow close behind紧跟.follow in the wake of sb.(=follow in sb.’s steps)步某人后尘,仿效某人.follow on继续十.as follow s如下:The full text of the note is as follows.照会全文如下.②领会,理解.③(由…)可知:Because he is strong, it does not follow that he is a player.不能根据他身体健壮就说他是运动员.

△follow through完成,做到底.follow up 1)穷追:follow up the enemy追击敌人.2)继续干,继续贯彻:follow up a victory乘胜前进.follow up sb.’s ideas照着某人的主张继续干下去.3)补充(讲话等),续载(新闻、小说等).

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