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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:34:24

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第610页(759字)



①小时:talk for hours交谈几小时.an hour’s work一小时的工作.A quarter of an hour passed·一刻钟过去了.Boats in the park are hired out by the hour.公园里租船按小时计算.The commune is two hours distant.公社离这里有两小时的路程.②钟点,时间:the hottest hours of the day一天中最热的时间.help in his hour of need在他需要的时刻去帮助他.What is the hour?什么时间?The hour is hal past one.一点半钟了.The clock strikes the hours.钟报钟点.the small hours凌晨一时至四时的时间.③(pl.)(用于学习、工作等的)固定时间:business hours营业时间.office hours办公时间.school hours上课时间.after hours业余时间.keep good(bad) hours(不)按时作息.keep early(late) hours早睡早起,早出早归(晚睡晚起,晚出晚归).④当前,时刻:a song for the hour 目前流行的歌曲.in the hour of danger在危险的时刻.at the eleventh hour 最后时刻,在危急之时.in a good(or happy) hour 幸运.in an evil hour 不幸运.⑤死期,末日:His hour has come(or struck).他的末日到了.

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