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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:39:01

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第652页(578字)


vt.询问,打听:inquire sb.’s name问某人的姓名.inquire the way问路.Inquired how to get there.我打听到那里怎么走法.I’ll inquire when the meeting will be held.我将打听会议什么时候举行.inquire sth.of(or from)sb.向某人打听某事.

-vi.问讯:I’ll inquire at the office and then tell you.我到办公室打听一下再告诉你.inquire about查问,问明.inquire after问候:He inquired after you in the letter.他在信里向你问候.Many comrades came to inquire after his health.很多同志来问候他的健康.inquire for 1)询购,探询:I’ll inquire for the ticket at the booking-office.我将向售票处询购车票.2)求见:inquire for sb.求见某人.inquire into调查.in·quir·er n.询问者.

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