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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:41:42

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第668页(536字)


n.①【化】铁(符号Fe).②铁:iron bars铁条.bastion of iron 铜墙铁壁.a man of iron 意志坚强的人,铁石心肠的人.Strike while the iron is hot.【谚】趁热打铁.③铁器,烙铁:an electric iron 电烫斗.have too many irons in the fire揽事过多.④(pl.)脚镣,手铐,镫:in irons带着脚镣,带着手铐.climbing irons(电工爬电线杆用的)脚扣.

-a.①铁的,铁制的,铁色的.②铁一般的,顽强的:iron will钢铁意志.Comrade Wang Chin-hsi is the‘iron Man’of the Taching Oilfield.王进喜同志是大庆油田的‘铁人’

-vt.①烫平:iron a shirt烫衬衫.iron out 1)烫平:iron out wrinkles烫平褶子.2)调停:iron out differences消除分歧.②装甲.③上脚镣手铐.

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