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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:41:58

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第671页(1563字)



①它,这(指东西、动物、幼儿等):What is this?It is a gun.这是什么?——这是枪.There is a horse under the tree.It belongs to our production team.树下有匹,它是我们生产队的.The mother carried the baby in her arms and patted it.母亲抱着婴儿,轻轻地拍.②(代表前面已提到的或后面将提到的)某件事:I had a talk with our party secretary.It was very helpful.我和党支书谈了一次话,对我非常有帮助.It happened during the Anti-Japanese War.事情发生在抗日战争期间.③(指心目中的人物、事情、行为等):Who is it that I saw just now?我刚才见到的那个人是谁?That’s it.对了,就是它,正是那样.④(表示天气、温度、时间、距离、情况、问候等,在句中作主语):It’s snowing hard雪下得很大.It is cold today,isn’t it?今天冷,是不是?It is seven o’clock.现在是七点钟.How far is it from here?离这儿多远?It is very quiet here.这里很安静.Is it well with you?你身体好吗?⑤(作形式主语或宾语,代表后面作逻辑主语或宾语的不定式、动名词或从句):It is hard to guess.难以猜测.It is imperative for the revolutionary people to take hold of the gun.革命人民掌握枪杆子是非常必要的.It won’t be any good speaking evil of others behind their backs.在背后说人坏话没有什么好处.It is certain that the three Indochinese peoples wili win complete victory.印度支那三国人民必将取得彻底胜利.He feels it his duty to help his comrades.他感到帮助同志是自己的责任.⑥(在‘It is(was)+被强调部分+who(that, which…)’结构中用以强调句中的主语、宾语或状语):It is Chairman Mao who saved us.是毛主席救了我们.It is not the people who fear U.S.imperialism.it is U.S.imperialism which fears the people.不是人民怕美帝,而是美帝怕人民. It is the dictionary that I want.我需要的是字典.(注意:被强调部分是状语时,不用where,when而用that,如:It was in shanghai that the First Party Congress was held.党的‘一大’是在上海召开的.)⑦(在口语中作某些动词的宾语,意义不明确):as ill luck will have it 偏巧.bus it 搭(公共)汽车.fight it out打到底.chance it 碰碰机会.I have done it.搞环了,弄糟了.We had to foot it in the rain.我们只好冒着雨走去.

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