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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:46:24

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第703页(1253字)


vi.①(出声地)笑,发笑:The jokes made everybody laugh.那些笑话逗得人人发笑.The landscape laughs.景色悦人.②觉得好笑,嘲笑:He was laughing I knew,though his face was grave.尽管他板着脸,我知道他心里在乐.laugh at 1)因…而笑:laugh at a funny story听到有趣的故事发笑.2)嘲笑.3)蔑视,不在乎:We should laugh at difficulties.我们要蔑视困难.laugh in sb.’s face当面嘲笑,公开侮辱.laugh in(or up)one’s sleeve偷笑,暗笑.laugh on the wrong side of one’s mouth(=laugh on the otherside of one’s face)转喜为忧.laugh out of court付之一笑,笑着不理.laugh over笑着谈论,对…发笑:They laughed over the boy’s innocence.他们笑着谈论这孩子的天真烂漫.He laughs best,who laughs last.【谚】最后笑的人笑得最好(勿高兴过早).

-vt.①笑着表示:She laughed her thanks(consent).她笑着表示感谢(同意).②笑得使…:laugh oneself helpless笑得无可奈何.The story laughed the children into tears.这故事使孩子们把眼泪都笑出来了.They laughed him out of his ill temper.他们笑得使他消了怒气.laugh away以笑消去:laugh away sb.’s fears用笑消除了某人的恐惧.laugh sb.(or sth.)down笑使…中止,笑使…沉默:They laughed the speaker(proposal)down.他们笑得使讲话人不讲了(建议不再提了).laugh sb.(or sth.)off笑着摆脱,用嘲笑哄走:laugh sb.off the stage用嘲笑把某人哄下讲台.They laughed off an em barrassing situation.他们笑着把尴尬的处境应付过去.

-n.笑,笑声:have a good(or heavy) laugh 大笑.have a good many laughs over sth.对某事笑个够.break intoa laugh 突然笑起来.have(or get)the laugh of sb.反笑某人.raise a laugh 引起欢笑.

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