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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:46:26

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第704页(1065字)


vt.①使(船)下水,使(飞机等)升空:launch a ship(an airplane)使船下水(使飞机升空).a launching ceremony下水典礼.a launching deck(platform)起飞甲板(台).launching speed起飞速度.②创办,开始:launch a new enterprise创办新企业.launch a new product开始生产新产品.③开展,发动:launch rev olutionary mass criticism开展革命大批判.launch a vigorous offensive(or attack)against the enemy向敌人发动猛烈的进攻.Chairman Mao launched the Autumn Harvest Uprising in Sept.,1927.毛主席在一九二七年九月发动了秋收起义.We must not ignore the danger of the enemy launching a war of aggression.我们对于敌人发动侵略战争的危险决不能掉以轻心.④发射,投掷:launch a rocket(torpedo)发射火箭(雷).a launching pad(火箭)发射台.China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite on April 24,1970.一九七〇年四月二十四日,中国成功地发射了第一颗人造地球卫星.⑤使投身于,使从事:launch one’s son intothe army送子参军.She launched herself.on her nursing career.她从事护士工作.

-vi.①(船)下水,(飞机)起飞.②开始,投入:launch upon the production of films着手生产影片.launch into the three great revolutionary movements投身三大革命运动.launch out into开始:launch out into an argument开始辩论.

-n.①下水:the launch of a new liner新邮船下水.②渡轮.

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