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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:47:19

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第711页(2176字)


(left,left)vi.离开:When does the train 1leave?火车什么时候开?I am to 1leave tomorrow.我定于明天动身.It is time for us to 1leave(=It istime we left).我们该走了.The educated youth enthusiastically 1leave for the frontier regions and the countryside.知识青年满怀激情奔赴边疆和农村.

-vt.①离开,脱离,辞去,退出:1leave a place离开某地.1leave the army退伍,复员.1leave the track出轨.1leave the beaten track打破常规.Fish can’t 1leave the water.nor melons 1leave the vines.儿离不开水,瓜儿离不开秧.The P.L.A.men never 1leave the battle because of a few bruises or scratches. 人民解放军战士轻伤不下火线.②留下,留:1leave papers at the houses of subscribers把报纸送到订户家中.The wound left a scar.伤留下个疤.To be left till called for.(信件等)留待来取.His playing 1leaves something to be desired.他的演奏有待改进.Don’t 1leave him the bag to hold.不要把麻烦留给他.1leave word留言,留便条:Please 1leave word for me with my sister.请留话给我妹妹转达我.③剩下,余下:Two from five 1leaves three.五减二剩三.The enemy has no tricks left up his sleeve.敌人黔驴技穷.④忘拿,忘带,忘做:I left that book at home.我把那本书落在家里了.⑤听任,让,使:Don’t 1leave a child to do what he likes.不要听任孩子想作什么就做什么.Who has left the door open?谁(走了)没关门? 1leave about把(东西)乱放:Don’t 1leave things about.不要把东西丢得到处都是.1leave it at that.【口语】就这样吧,不必多说了.1leave sb.to himself(or to his own devices)听任,让:Let’s 1leave Little Li to himself to think it over for a while.咱们让小李自己想一下吧! 1leave sth.to chance碰运气.1leave go(or hold)of放开…,松开….⑥委托,交付:1leave a sum in the bank在银行里存款.1leave everything to me.把一切交给我办.1leave it with me.交给我管吧.I’ll 1leave the matter in your hands.这件事我托你办.⑦遗下,遗留:LiYu-ho left his daughter a family treasure-the red lantern.李玉和给他的闺女留下了传家宝-红灯.⑧抛弃,遗弃:be(or get)(nicely) left【口语】上当,被遗弃.⑨(从某方向)经过:1leave the park on the left从公园右侧走过.

△1leave behind 1)忘带:The lug gage has been left behind.行李忘记带了.2)甩在后面:The workers have left the targets far behind.工人们把指标远远甩在后面.3)抛弃.1leave sth.off 1)不再穿:I’ve left off my overcoat.我已经不穿大衣了.2)停止:It is time to 1leave off work.该下班了.Has the rain left off yet?雨停了没有? 1leave sth. out 1)省略,遗漏:1leave out a letter漏掉一个字母.2)不加考虑:You should not 1leave him out of consid eration.你不应当不考虑到他.1leave over 1)剩下,遗留:certain ques tions left over from history一些历史上遗留下来的问题.2)推迟,延期:1leave a matter over留待以后处理.

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