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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:47:21

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第710页(808字)


(leaped orleapt,leaped orleapt)vi.①跳,跳跃(通常用jump):A fish leaped out of water.跳出水面.He leaped on a moving bus.他跳上一辆正开动的公共汽车.One’s heart leap t into one’s mouth.大吃一惊.②跃进,迅速行动:leap at the opportunity抓住机会.leap to a conclusion仓促作出结论.The cosmic rocket leaped skywards.宇宙火箭腾空而起.

-vt.①跳过:leap the hurdle跳栏.leap the usual transitional stages跃过通常的过渡阶段.②使跳过:leap a horse over a fence(across a ditch)骑跳过篱笆(沟).

-n.①跳跃,跃进,飞跃:the Big leap Forward大跃进.make a leap of over 120 per cent猛增百分之一百二十以上.by leaps and bounds突飞猛进地,飞跃地:Our communication and transportation have developed by leaps and bounds.我们的交通运输飞跃地发展.a leap in the dark轻举妄动.②跳过的地方(或距离):take the leap with ease很容易就跳过去.a leap of ten feet跳过十呎.③【地】断层.

△a leap year闰年.

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