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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:06:51

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第860页(564字)



(pl.or sing.)①不平均的物,不等:make odds even拉平.②战败的可能性,机会,优势,差异:The odds lie on our side.优势在我们方面.The odds are against you.你们成功的机会很少.It makes no odds.没有什么区别,怎样都行.What’s the odds?【口语】那有什么要紧?They are fighting against heavy odds.他们和优势敌人作战.The odds are that很可能…:The odds are that he will come他大概会来的.by long odds 差异很大,…得多:This is a better book than that one by long odds.这本书比那本好得多.③(打赌等)让步,有利条件:odds of ten to one十赌一(输时付十,赢时得一).give(receive or take) odds 打赌或比赛时给予(接受)有利条件.

△be at odds with和…争吵.odds and ends零碎物品,残余.

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