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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:09:31

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第880页(595字)



v.(没有时态变化,后接带to的不定式;过去式时,与完成式的不定式连用,但在从句中,它可以表示过去时态.)①(表示义务、责任)应该,应当:You ought to collect some data first.你应当先搜集一些资料.Such things ought not to be allowed.这样的事情是不应当允许的.Ought he to go?——Yes,he ought(No,he ought not).他应该去吗?——是的,他应该去(不,他不应该去).You ought to have told me that yesterday.你昨天就应该把那件事告诉我.It occurred to him that he ought to go and see her.他曾想到自己应该去看看她②(表示可能性)总应该:If he started at nine,he ought to be here now.如果他九点钟出发,现在总应该到了.③(表示愿望、忠告)…才好:You ought to see that new fihn.那部新电影你去看看才好There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.上下班拥挤时,公共汽车多一些才好.

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