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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:16:09

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第936页(758字)


vt.①捏,夹,搯,挤:pinch off(or out)the side shoots把旁边的新芽搯掉.The shoes pinch his toes.他的鞋挤脚.②使苦恼,折磨:be pinched with cold遭受寒冷.③节俭,限制,使缺乏(钱):be pinched for food没有东西吃.④【口语】偷:The thief pinched the parcel and got caught.小偷偷窃包裹而被抓了.⑤勒索,夺取:pinch money from(or out of)sb.向某人勒索金钱.⑥【口语】抓住,逮捕.

-vi.①(鞋等)紧,窄:These shoes pinch.这双鞋挤脚.That’s where the shoe pinch es.这就是困难所在.②俭省,吝啬:pinch and scrape格外俭省.

-n.①捏,搯,夹,挤.②一捏,一撮:a pinch of salt一把盐.③【喻】压迫,困苦:feel the pinch of poverty感到贫穷的痛苦.④紧要关头:at a pinch(=if it comes to the pinch)在必要时,在关键时刻:I will give my life for the cause of communism if(or when)it comes to the pinch.必要时,我愿为共产主义事业而献身.We shall take the patient to the hospital at a pinch.必要时我们将把病人送进医院.

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