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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:38:47

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1070页(1520字)


n.①休息:a good night’s 1rest 一夜的安睡.take(or have)a 1rest 休息一下.a ten-minute 1rest period十分钟的休息时间.We had several 1rests on the way up the mountain.上山的途中我们休息了几次.come to 1rest 停止移动.②安心,宁静:The patient must have complete 1rest.病人需要完全的安静.set sb.’s mind(or fears)at 1rest 使某人平静,使某人免除焦虑等.③睡眠:eight hours of 1rest a night一夜八小时的睡眠.go to 1rest 就寝.④长眠,死:go to one’s final 1rest 死.be laid to 1rest 被埋葬.⑤休息处,寄宿处:a travellers’(seamen’s) 1rest 旅客(海员)寄宿处.⑥支撑物,支持物:a 1rest for a telescope望远镜支架.⑦【乐】休止,休止符.

△at 1rest 1)宁静的,静止的.2)死的.take one’s 1rest 1)休息.2)睡觉.3)死.

-vi.①休息:Let’s 1rest for an hour before going on with our work.咱们休息一小时再继续干.His eyes 1rested on the blackboard.他两眼凝视黑板.1rest on one’s oars 1)暂停划船.2)休息一下.②睡眠:I 1rested well last night.昨晚我睡得很好.③长眠,死:Some of the martyrs 1rest there.一些烈士葬在那里.④安心,宁静:Our mind cannot 1rest till we have accomplished our task satisfactorily.不园满完成任务,我们是不能安心的.⑤依赖,依靠,被支撑; 1rest on one’s arms枕戈以待.The roof 1rests on columns.屋顶由圆柱支撑.Don’t 1rest on your laurels.不要吃老本.1rest with落在:It 1rests with you to decide now.现在要靠你来作出决定.

-vt.①使休息:Please let me join the battle,I am 1rested and refreshed.请让我参加战斗吧,我已经休息好了.We must 1rest the horses for a while.我们必须让休息一下.②使宁静,使减轻:It 1rests one’s feet to take off one’s shoes.脱下鞋脚就感觉舒适.③依赖,依靠,使被支撑:He 1rested his elbows on the table.他把双肘支在桌上.I 1rested the book against the wall.我把书靠在墙上.Our great leader Chairman Mao 1rests his hope on the young people.我们伟大领袖毛主席把希望寄托在青年身上.

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