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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:50:44

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1167页(782字)


n.①肩,肩膀,(pl.)上背部:give a child a ride on one’s shoulders让孩子骑在肩膀上.We fought shoulder to shoulder with the Korean people against the U.S.imperialists.我们和朝鲜人民肩并肩地抗击美帝国主义者.The responsibility rests on my shoulders.责任落在我的双肩.have broad shoulders能肩重物,【喻】能胜重任.put one’s shoulder to the wheel热心工作.rub shoulders with sb.与…亲密接触.stand head and shoulders above(others)1)比别人长的高.2)【喻】高人一等.straight from the shoulder【喻】开诚布公地,直截了当地.give the cold shoulder to对…冷淡.②肩状物,(衣服的)肩部:the shoulder of a vase花瓶的肩部.This coat is narrow across the shoulders.这件上衣的肩窄了.③(动物的)肩部皮革,前肘子肉.

-vt.①用肩扛,挑起,担负:shoulder responsibility for sth.担负某事的责任.The boy shouldered a bagful of seeds.这男孩扛了一袋种子.Sshoulder arms!(口令)托枪!②以肩冲,用肩挤(路):shoulder one’sway through a crowd从人群中挤过.

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