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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:23:25

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1379页(692字)


a.①真的,真实的,真正的:a true story真实的故事.May the true friendship between the Chinese and Albanian peoples flourish for ever!祝中阿两国人民的真挚友谊万古长青!Is it true that we won by two goals?我们以两个球得胜,是真的吗?come true 实现,成为事实:The lofty ideal of mankind——communism will certainly come true.人类的崇高理想——共产主义一定会实现.②忠实的:be true to facts实事求是.be true to the behest of Lenin遵循列宁的遗教.(as) true as steel忠贞不屈.be true to one’s word信守诺言.be true to oneself坚持原则或理想.③逼真的:a picture true to life一幅逼真的画.④正确的,准确的:a true copy of a document一个正确的文件抄本.⑤安装牢靠的:Is the wheel true?车轮牢靠么?⑥纯种的(动植物).trueness n.

-ad.真实地,正确地:aim true 瞄得准.Tell me true.坦白地告诉我吧.


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