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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:23:33

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1380页(1113字)


n.①信仰,信任,信赖:She hasn’t(or doesn’t place)much trust in his promises.她不大相信他的诺言.on trust 1)赊:buy(sell)goods on trust 赊购(赊销)货物.2)不加证明地,不作深究地:take sb.’s statement on trust 对某人的讲话深信不疑.②责任,职责:a position of great trust 责任重大的职位.③委托,信托,委托物,信托的财产:hold the house in trust for sb.受托为某人管房子.a trust company信托公司.a trust territory联合国托管地区.④【经】托拉斯:Business in the capitalist society is under the control of great trusts.资本主义社会的工商企业是由大托拉斯控制着的.

-vt.①相信,信任:He’s the sort of man to be trusted.他是可以信赖的那种人.②信托,委托:trust a case to a lawyer(=trust a lawyer with a case)把案子委托给律师.③放心(让…做某事):He may be trusted to do the work well.相信他可以做好那工作.It is unwise to trust small children out of doors in a big town.在大城市中听任小孩在外面玩是不明智的.④存放,寄托:trust sb. with sth.把东西交给某人保管.trust sth.in a place把东西存放在某处.I’ll trust the children to you.我要把孩子们寄托在你这里.⑤热望,切望:I trust(that)you are better.我希望你的病好些.I trust to hear better news.我希望听到好的消息.⑥赊给,借给:The grocer often trusts the Smiths.杂货店经常把东西赊卖给史密斯一家人.He will trust me for 100 yuan.他将借一百元给我.

-vi.信仰,信任,依靠:trust in sb.信任某人.trust to memory只凭记忆.

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