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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:32:28

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1452页(828字)


n.①波浪,起伏,(头发等)波浪形:the waves()海洋.in powerful waves波澜壮阔.advance wave upon wave 前赴后继.ride the winds and break the waves乘风破浪.attack in waves【军】波浪式进攻.②挥动,摇动:a wave of hand挥手.③【理】波,【气象】浪:light(sound,electric) waves光(声、电)波.long(medium,short) waves长(中、短)波.a wave detector检波器.④高涨:a cold wave 寒流.a heat wave 热浪.a wave of revolution革命的高涨.a wave of enthusiasm热情高涨.

-vi.①飘扬,波动,起伏,摇摆:Red flags wave in the wind.红旗迎风飘扬.②挥动示意:Chairman Mao waved warmly time and again to the revolutionary masses毛主席亲切地向革命群众频频招手致意.③(头发等)卷曲.wav·y a.①起波浪的,波浪状的.②起伏的,摇摆的.

-vt.①摇动,挥动:wave ‘red flags’ to oppose red flags打着‘红旗’反红旗.wave aside撇开,排斥:We should not wave aside all his suggestions.我们不应该对他的建议置之不理.②摇(挥)动表示:He waved us away.他挥手让我们走开.He waved us good-bye.他挥手向我们告别.③使起浪,将(头发)弄成波浪形.

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