出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第619页(3243字)
abnormal activities活动失常
abnormal ascent and descent升降失常
abnormal development of a disease逆症
abnormal dispersing and dredging function of the liver肝的疏泄功能异常
abnormal embryo畸胎
abnormal facial expressions哭笑喜怒无常
abnormal findings异常发现
abnormal fire rising along the Yangming Meridian阳明火邪循经上逆
abnormal flow of qi and the blood气血逆流
abnormal heart beat心动异常
abnormal ingestion饥饱失常
abnormal menstruation月经不调
abnormal motive state of the tongue舌态异常
abnormal occlusion异常
abnormal perception知觉异常
abnormal picture of the tongue异常舌象
abnormal position of fetus胎不正
abnormal pulsation visible on the lower ab domen脐下悸
abnormal pulse(s)病脉
abnormal pulse location脉位异常
abnormal pulse power condition脉势异常
abnormal pulse rhythm脉律异常
abnormal pulse shape脉形异常
abnormal red skin of infant胎赤
abnormal rising and falling of vital energy气升降失调
abnormal rising of the liver-energy肝气上逆
abnormal rising of the liver-yang肝阳上逆
abnormal rising of the lung-energy肺气上逆
abnormal rising of the qi气逆
abnormal rising of the stomach energy caused by retention of the fluid水逆
abnormal rising of the vital energy气逆
abnormal secretion异常分泌
abnormal sensation感觉异常
abnormal transmission逆传
abnormal transmission of the pericardium逆传心包
abnormal urination小便不利
abnormal vaginal discharge带下
abnormal weather in four seasons四时不正之气
blindness without abnormal change of the external appearance of the eyes睛光瞎
distinguish abnormal pulse conditions from the normal ones鉴别常脉与病脉
dizziness caused bv the abnormal rising of vital energy下厥上冒
extremely abnormal pulse脉悬绝
frequent abnormal laugh喜笑不休;喜笑失常
miscellaneous signs and symptoms of abnormal mental state多种神志异常的症状
regulation of abnormal menstruation调经
It is easy to differentiate abnormal pulses in the morning.清晨容易辨别病脉。
There are abnormal changes in the natural environment.自然环境有异常变化。
Abnormal qi in the four seasons generally refers to the unseasonal climate.四时不正之气泛指四季不正常的气候。
The abnormal activities of the bladder-qi may affect the urethra and the kidney,thus causing abnormality in micturition.膀胱活动失常会影响到尿道和肾,从而引起小便失常。