出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第710页(1578字)
ankle cellulitis足踝疽
armpit cellulitis渊疽
bone cellulitis附骨疽
breast cellulitis乳疽
cellulitis near the scapular region上搭手
cellulitis on the lateral aspect of the thigh股阳疽
cellulitis on the lower abdominal wall少腹疽
cellulitis on the medial aspect of th e thigh股阴疽
chest cellulitis甘疽
dorsomedian cellulitis中搭手
finger cellulitis瘭疽;指头脓炎
hypochondriac cellulitis胁肋疽
leg cellulitis腿疽
lower cellulitis下搭手
lower stony cellulitis下石疽
middle cellulitis中搭手
middle stony cellulitis中石疽
orbital cellulitis眼眶蜂窝织炎
stony cellulitis石疽
thigh cellulitis股疽(又称大腿疽)
thigh yang cellulitis股阳疽
thigh yin cellulitis股阴疽
tibiofemoral cellulitis股胫疽
upper back cellulitis上搭手
upper stony cellulitis上石疽
Cellulitis is a general term for the suppurative inflammation of subcutaneous or other soft tissues.疽为皮下组织或其他软组织化脓性炎症的总称。
Cellulitis results from stagnation of cold phlegm and obstruction of qi and the blood.寒痰凝滞,气血郁阻而成疽。