
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:28:58

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第710页(1909字)




a cavity in a tooth牙齿的洞

buccal cavity颊面龋洞;口腔前庭

dryness of the nasal cavity鼻腔干燥

erosion of mucous membrane of the oral cavity口糜

genital cavity生殖腔

glandular cavity腺腔

mucilage cavity粘液腔

nasal cavity鼻腔

ovarian cavity卵巢腔

pectoral cavity胸腔

pelvic cavity盆腔

pleural cavity胸膜腔

pus cavity脓腔

splanchnic cavity内脏腔

the abdominal cavity腹腔

the alveolar cavity牙槽

the appendiceal cavity阑尾腔

the body cavity体腔

the bone cavity骨腔

the brain cavity脑室

the chest cavity胸腔

the closing the oral cavity塞兑

the cotyloid cavity髋臼

the cranial cavity颅腔

the dental cavity牙腔

the dorsal cavity背侧腔

the empty cavity空腔

the faucial cavity咽腔

the gastric cavity胃脘

the head cavity头腔

the intestinal cavity肠腔

the lingual cavity舌面龋洞

the mouth cavity口腔

the nerve cavity髓腔

the three cavities三焦

the tooth cavity牙腔

thoracic cavity胸腔;胸中

ulcerations of oral cavity口腔溃疡

ulcer of oral cavity口疳;口腔溃疡

uterine cavity子宫腔

visceral cavity内脏腔

上一篇:cell 下一篇:cellulitis