
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:33:33

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第725页(2526字)




activate the blood circulation to eliminate blood stasis活血化瘀

bile circulation胆汁循环

block blood circulation血行瘀阻

blocking of blood circulation血行受阻

blood circulation血液循环;血行;行血

circulation and charge of vital energy气化

circulation of bile胆汁循环

circulation of qi气的运行

circulation of qi and the blood in the channels经脉之流行

circulation of the blood血液循环

circulation of water水的流转

coronary circulation冠状循状

cross circulation交叉循环

disorder of circulation循环失常

effective circulation blood volume有效血循环量

embryonic circulation胚循环

expel pathogenic wind to promote the blood circulation驱风活血

fetal circulation胎循环

formation and circulation of the blood血的生成与循环

free circulation of blood血脉流通

general circulation周身循环

have a bad circulation血液循环不好

have a good circulation血液循环良好

impede circulation of qi and blood气血运行不畅

keep the blood circulation free畅通血脉

lymph circulation淋巴循环

maitain the blood circulation畅通血流

promote blood circulation活血;促进血液循环

promote blood circulation of intestines改善肠循环

promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis活血去(散,驱)瘀

promote circulation of qi通脉

promote circulation of qi and the blood益气活血

renal circulation肾血循环

sluggish circulation of qi气行不畅

stimulate circulation to end stasis活血化瘀

stimulate the circulation of the blood and cause the muscles and joints to relax舒筋活络

systemic circulation体循环

weakness in blood circulation运血无力

When excessive heat accelerates blood circulation,the pulse will be quick.阳热亢盛,血行加速,脉来急数。

Fire tends to promote the production of the liver wind and accelerate the circulation of the blood.火易生风动血。

上一篇:circulate 下一篇:circulatory