
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:49:43

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第767页(2096字)




an accumulation of water and dampness水湿积聚

dampness and heat in the liver and the gallbladder肝胆湿热

dampness and heat in the Liver Channel肝经湿热

dampness blocked in the middle heater湿阻中焦

dispel cold and dampness祛寒湿

dispel dampness and promote diuresis化湿利水

dispel wind and dampness祛风除湿

eliminate dampness to stop diarrhea祛湿止泻

endogenous dampness内湿

excessive dampness湿邪过盛

excrete dampness渗湿

exogenou s wind and dampness外来风湿

exopathic dampness外湿

expel cold and dampness散寒祛湿

external dampness外湿

dampness stagnancy湿郁

intermittent fever due to dampness湿疟

internal dampness内湿

noxiou s dampness湿毒

remove dampness去湿;化湿

remove dampness and relax myospasm化湿舒筋

remove dampness by water purgation水泻去湿

remove dampness to restore normal function of the stomach化湿和胃

remove dampness to stop leukorrhagia化湿止带

resolve dampness化湿

retention of dampness(in…)湿滞

stagnation of dampness and heat in the Liver Channel湿热蕴结肝经

stagnation of dampness due to deficiency of the spleen脾虚湿困

the accumulation of dampness in the ear耳中湿聚集

turbid dampness湿浊

The spleen is intolerant of dampness.脾恶湿。

Soft pulse indicates deficiency or dampness syndrome.濡脉表虚证和湿证。

Dampness may be removed by drugs dry in property.燥可胜湿。

Spasm and stiffness of the neck are all due to dampness.诸痉项强皆起于湿。

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