
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:18:02

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第854页(2001字)




arthralgia of the extremities支节烦疼

basic joints of the extremities本节

be at extremity临终

circulation of the blood in the extremities四肢的血液循环

cold clammy extremities四肢发冷

coldness of the extremities四肢发冷

faint pulse and cold extremities脉微肢冷

edema in the extremities四肢浮肿

flaccidity of the extremities四肢痿软;手脚软

inability of the extremities筋骨无力

inner upper extremity臂内廉

lassitude of the extremities四肢乏力

limited motivity of the extremities肢体活动困难

motor impairment of the upper extremities上肢不遂

muscles of the extremities大肉

muscular atrophy,numbness,flaccidity and pain of the lower extremities下肢痿痹

numbness of the extremities四肢麻木

pain in the waist and the lower extremities腰腿痛

paralysis of the extremities occurred after convulsion attack惊瘫

paralysis of the upper extremities上肢瘫

spasms of the extremities四肢痉挛

spastic paralysis of the lower extremities下肢痉挛性麻痹

the last extremity临终之时

the lower extremities下肢

the medial side of the lower extremities下肢内侧

The drug has specific effect in treating numbness of the extremities.该药治四肢麻木有特效。

Meridians and collaterals belongs to interal organs(Zang-fu)and exteriorly to all the extremities.经络内属于脏腑,外络于肢节。

The medical aspect of the extremities can be subdivided into the anterior border,the midline and the posterior border.肢体的内侧面可再划分为前缘、中线和后缘。
