
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:18:54

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第857页(1366字)




a bearing sensation of the eyelid胞睑重坠

blepharoedema puffiness of the eyelids目窠上微肿

drooping of the upper eyelids(上睑)举抬无力

dysuria with puffiness of the eyelids小便不利兼见眼睑浮肿

ectropion of the eyelid睥翻粘睑

erosion of the margin of eyelid睑弦糜烂

erosion of the margin of eyelids in infants胎风赤烂

eversion of the eyelids眼睑外翻

marked swelling and redness of the eyelids眼丹

puffiness of the eyelid眼睑浮肿

redness and swelling of the eyelid眼睑红肿

severe swelling of the eyelid胞肿如桃

sore and tenderness of eyelid眼睑疼痛拒按

swelling of the eyelid胞肿

the failure of the closure of the eyelids眼睑闭合不全

the lower eyelid下睑

the upper eyelid上睑

tic of eytlid胞轮震跳

twitching of eyelids眼睑瞤动

The eyelids can’t close completely.眼睑闭合不全。

Manifestations at the acute stage of the disease are as follows:redness,swelling,sore and tenderness of the eyelid.本病急性期表现为眼睑红肿,疼痛,拒按。

上一篇:eyeball 下一篇:exudative