出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第919页(8817字)
have a bad cough咳得厉害
have a bowel movement大便
have ache at the waist腰酸
have a cold meal吃凉饭
have a cramp in the leg腿抽筋
have a fever发烧
have a good appetite食欲好;有胃口
have a good curative effect on asthma to remit its symptom缓解哮喘,疗效很好
have a good digestion消化力强
have a good night’s rest一晚上睡得很好
have a good rest with no sexual activity注意休息,忌房事
have a great remitting effect on headache有缓解头痛的理想疗效
have a heart attack心脏病发作
have a high fever发高烧
have a lasting and stable curative effect疗效持久而稳定
have a light diet吃容易消化的食物
have a long resistance to treatment久治不愈
have a lump formed in the abdomen腹有包块形成
have amenorrhea闭经
have an abortion打胎
have an appropriate rest适当休息
have an attack of malaria发疟子
have an attack of one’s old illness犯病
have an aversion to(for,from)…厌…
have an aversion to cold with fever恶寒发热
have an impediment in speech口吃
have an induced abortion打胎
have an obstructing sensation when eating吃东西有梗阻感
have a pain in the chest when coughing咳嗽时胸部痛
have a poor appetite食欲不好;没有胃口
have a poor digestion消化力弱;消化不良
have a recurrence of an old illness旧病复发
have a relapse旧病复发
have(feel)a sensation of dizziness感到眩晕
have a sensation of coldness受寒
have a short and quick pulse脉急促
have a stiff neck落枕
have a stroke中风
have a swelled head头脑发胀
have a temperature发烧
have a throat tablet in the mouth口含润喉片
have a tooth filled补牙
have better functions in dispersing heat有较好的泻热作用
have chilblains生冻疮
have cold-pain in the lower abdomen少腹冷痛
have coma and delirium神昏谵语
have deformed limbs肢体发育不全
have diabetes患糖尿病
have diarrhea泻肚;拉肚子
have difficulty in passing one’s motions大便困难
have difficulty in urination小便不利
have eminent virtue for… 对…有特殊功效
have excessive heat and toxin热毒盛
have eye trouble害眼
have filling and expanding sensation出现充实和膨胀感
have four motions大便四次
have high fever and aversion to cold高热恶寒
have impetuous temper性情急躁
have kidney calculus患肾结石
have lochiorrhea患产后恶露未净
have loose bowels泻肚;拉肚子
have lumbago腰痛
have many kinds of complications并发症多
have menstrual disorder月经紊乱
have more heat in the liver肝火偏盛
have nightmare作恶梦
have one’s stool examined化验大便
have pains in……疼痛
have profuse sweat大汗淋漓
have prominent and fast effect有显效与速效之功
have rhagades in winter冬季皲裂
have shadows round the eyes眼四周起黑圈
have slight heat微热;发轻烧
have some sore throat during coughing咳嗽时嗓子有点痛
have specific effect有特效
have stable efficacy疗效确切
have sth in the mouth含(衔)在口中
have stone有结石
have such symptoms as fever,restlessness,profuse sweat,warmness of the limbs…身热烦躁,大汗出,四肢温…
have sufficient rest保持睡眠充足
have the activities of…做…动作
have the activities of forehead-wrinkling,brow-knitting,cheek-blowing,eyes-shuttingand whistle-blowing做皱额、皱眉、鼓腮、闭眼、吹哨等动作
have the angulation corrected纠正成角
have the digestion of an ostrich消化力强
have the displacement corrected纠正移位
have the distending sensation有胀感
have the function of activating the channels and collaterals有通活经络作用
have the function of beautifying the body有健美的作用 have the function of dredging the channels and collaterals有疏通经络的作用
have the function of increasing the primordial qi有增补元气的作用
have the function of lubricating joints有滑利关节的作用
have the function of nourishing the kidney and strengthening yang有补肾壮阳的作用
have the function of promoting blood circulation and removing the obstruction in the channels有活血通经的作用
have the function of promoting the flow of qi and the blood of the Kidney Channel有疏导肾经气血的作用
have the function of regulating the facial channels and collaterals有调整面部经络的作用
have the function of regulating qi and the blood of the Liver Channel有调理肝经气血的作用
have the function of regulating the qi of the Lung Channel有调理肺经气脉的作用
have the function of regulating the stomach and promoting digestion有和胃消食的作用
have the function of reinforcing the kidney and strengthening yang有壮阳补肾作用
have the function of relaxing the muscles and tendons有舒筋作用(功能)
have the function of relieving swelling and alleviating pain有消肿止痛的作用
have the function of supplementing qi and enriching the essence有补气益精的作用
have the functions of activating qi and the blood coordinating the internal organs有活跃气血,协调内脏的作用
have the functions of calming the liver and suppressing yang hyperactivity of the liver有平肝潜阳的作用
have the functions of preventing and curing diseases,protecting and strengthening health and prolonging life具有防治疾病,保健强身,延年益寿等作用
have the functions of relieving cough and reducing sputum有止咳化痰的功能
have the functions of relieving the chest stuffness and regulating the flow of qi有宽胸理气的作用
have the functions of replenishing qi and regulating the function of the middlewarmer有益气调中的作用
have the functions of soothing the liver and improving eyesight有疏肝明目的作用
have the functions of soothing the liver and regulating the circulation of qi有舒肝理气的作用
have the functions of strengthening the waist and legs,dredging the three yin channels and three yang channels of the foot有强健腰腿,疏通足三阴、三阳经脉之作用
have the functions of tonifying the heart and tranquilizing the mind有补心安神之功效
have the functions of ventilating the nose,consolidating the teeth and preventing caries有宣通鼻窍,固齿防龋的作用
have the hiccups打起嗝来
have the itch发痒;长疥疮
have the phenomenon of nocturnal emission有遗精现象
have the tonifying action有补益作用
have watery stools下泻
The affected part has a sensation of severe itching.患部剧痒。
He has pains in the arm.他手臂痛。
She has a dry nose.她鼻子干燥。
The course of this disease has three stages.该病病程分三期。
Do you usually have nausea?你平日好心烦吗?
Have you had dyspnea?你过去有喘病吗?
He has some belching.他有些嗳气。
He has a low fever for three days.他低烧有三天了。
Do you have a sound sleep?你睡眠好吗?
You have a sunken pulse.你的脉沉涩。
I often have a dry throat.我总是嗓子发干。
Do you have a sore throat?你嗓子痛吗?
Do you have any acid regurgitation?你吐酸水吗?
The blisters have crust formation.疱疹结痂。