
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:50:22

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第949页(3838字)




a major illness大病

a minor illness小病

a painful illness痛苦的病

a serious illness重病;大病

according to the specific stote of certain illmess that is being treated根据具体病情

an incompletely cured illness留下的病根

analysis symptoms and signs of the illness分析病症和体症

be down with an illness病倒

be affected with a lingering disease病魔缠身

be suddenly seized with a severe illness得暴病

catch an illness染病;患病;得病

complaints of the illness诉说病情

condition of illness病况;病状

degree of seriousness of illness病势

die of a sudden illness暴卒

fatal illness绝症

frequently occurring illness多发病

fully recover from an illness痊愈

have a recurrence of on old illness旧病复发

illness caused by summer-heat and dampness暑湿病

illness involving the spleen脾脏疾病

illness(es)of children儿科病

illness(es)of women妇女病

impairment of prolonged illness久病耗伤

location of the illness病的部位

merely alleviate the symptoms of an illness治标

mental illness精神病

mild illness轻症

mild illness dealt with by a routine treatment微者逆之

nature of the illness病的性质

obstinate illness痼疾

onset and process of an illness病机

plead illness称病

present illness现在病

prevent illness from finding its way in by the mouth防止病从口入

previous illness既往病

prolonged illness久病

prolonged illness and weak constitution久病体弱

recover from an illness病愈;复原

serious illness病魔

serious and prolonged illness沉疴

severe and lingering illness沉疴

severity of the illness病情沉重

signs of the illness体证

slight illness小病;轻病

state of an illness病况;病情

stubborn iliness顽症

(a)sudden illness暴病

sudden attack of a serious illness暴病

suffer from a serious illness患重病

suffer from illness得病;患病

suit the medicine to the illness对症下药

superficial and mild illness浅表的轻浅症候

symptoms of the illness病症

the history of the illness病史

triumph over illness战胜疾病

Has there been much illness here this year?今年这里的疾病多吗?

lllness finds its way in by the mouth.病从口入。

Mild illness should be treated by routine treatment.微者逆之。

Illness of the child organ may involve the mother organ.子盗母气。

Prolonged illness leads to an extreme deficiency of qi and blood.病久导致气血极虚。

lllness with collapse of middle-warmer energy should be treated with“lifting-up”method.下者举之。

The history of the present illness can be acquired by interrogation.病人的发病史须靠问诊才能获得。

This is a syndrome of yang-floating due to prolonged illness and weak constitution.此乃久病体虚而阳气外浮的病证。
