
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:54:04

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第957页(1259字)




a high fever that indicates severe illness表明病重的高烧

be indicated for适用于

be indicated for hemorrhagic diseases适用于出血性疾患

indicate cold syndrome主寒症

indicate syndromes of…证属…

usually indicating…多主…(病);多指…(病症);多见于…(病症)

usually indicate a mild case of internal heat多指内热初起

usually indicate onset of affection due to external wind and cold多见于外感风寒,病症初起

Itis indicating such symptoms as…这适用于…病症。

Your symptoms indicate deficiency of lung energy.你是一派肺虚症状。

Deep pulse indicates disease located in the interior of the body.沉脉主病在里。

Thick fur indicates serious pathogenic factors and deep location of the disease.厚苔提示病邪较重,病位较深。

A white coating on the tongue indicates affection of pathogenic wind,cold,and damp factors.白色的舌苔主风邪、寒邪、湿邪。

Wei(defense),qi(vital energy),ying(nutrient)and xue(blood)syndroms indicate the four stages in the course of an epidemic febrile disease.卫气营血,标志着温热病发展的四种不同阶段。
