
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:00:51

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第976页(3490字)



accumulation of heat in the stomach and imtestine热结胃肠

accumlation of heat in the large intestine and the stomach肠胃积热

accumulation of pathogenic cold in the large intestine大肠寒结

astringe the intestine to correct diarrhea涩肠blind intestine盲肠

bloody stool due to retention of wetness-evil in the large intestine湿毒下血

broad intestine广肠

dampness and heat in the large intestine大肠湿热

deficiency and chills of(in)the large intestine大肠虚寒

deficiency of the large intestine大肠虚

deficiency of thelarge intestine fluid大肠液亏

detention of heat in the large intestine大肠热结

differentiation of syndromes in the large intestine disease大肠病辨证

downward flow of damp-heat in the large intestine大肠湿热下注

dryness-evil gathering in the stomach and intestine肠胃燥结

empty intestine空肠

excess syndrome of the stomach and intestine胃肠实证

excessive heat in the small intestine小肠实热

flatulence of the large intestine大肠胀

heat threatening the large intestine热迫大肠

insufficiency of yang qi of the large intestine大肠阳气虚衰

intestine fluid肠液

the intestines and stomach肠胃

the large intestine大肠

the large intestine in charge of transportation大肠主传导

The large intestine is in charge of transportation.大肠主传导。

the Large Intestine Meridian大肠经

the large Intestine Shu大肠俞(穴位)

lingering diarrhea due to asthenia of the large intestine肠虚滑泻

make the functional activities of qi of the intestine stagnate使肠道气机凝滞

mass in the large intestine伏瘕(古病名)

moisten the intestine润肠

one of the functions of the large intestine大肠功能之一

pancreatic intestine十二指肠

prolonged retention of food in the stomach and intestines宿滞

segmented intestine结肠

stagnation of energy of the large intestine大肠气滞

substantial heat in the small intestine小肠实热

the diseases of the stomach and intestines胃肠病症

the Large Intestine Channel of Hand-yangming手阳明大肠经

the large intestine’s loss of reinforcement and restraint大肠固摄无权

the small intestine小肠

the Small Intestine Chnnel of Hand-taiyang手太阳小肠经

the straight intestine直肠

the twisted intestine回肠

weakness and coldness of the small intestine小肠虚寒

the syndrome of accumulation of indigested food in the stomach and the intestines.食滞胃肠证

The heart transfers its fire to the small intestine.心移热于小肠。

The small intestine is mainly for reception.小肠受盛。

The small intestine is mainly for differentiation of the refined matter from the scum.小肠分清别浊。
