
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:25:56

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1051页(1610字)




advanced menstrual period经行先期

beginning of menstrual function天癸至

cause the amount of menstrual flow to increase使月经量增多

delayed menstrual cycle月经后期

delayed menstrual period经期落后;经期错后

delayed menstrual period due to kidney-asthenia肾虚行经错期

irregular menstrual period经行先后无定期

irregularity of menstrual cycle月经衍期

menstrual age月经龄;行经龄

menstrual bleeding经血

menstrual changes(periodicity and amount of flow)经期的变化(迟速及经量)

menstrual cycle经期;月经周期

menstrual discharge月经;行经

menstrual disorder月经紊乱;月经不调

menstrual edema经期水肿

menstrual flow月经

menstrual irregularities月经不调

menstrual period经期

menstrual toxemia经期毒血症

preceded menstrual cycle月经先期

preceded menstrual period经期超前

promote blood circulation and restore(或stimulate)menstrual flow活血通经

promote blood flow to induce menstrual flow活血通经

punctual menstrual period during pregnancy激经

restore menstrual flow通经

the amount of menstrual blood经量

the colour and nature of menstrual blood经色与经质

上一篇:mentality 下一篇:metabolic