
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:28:35

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1064页(728字)




a light coloured and moist tongue舌淡白湿润

apply moist medicinal powder around the sore箍围药

a red and moist tongue舌质红润

moist dressing湿敷料

moist,dry,curdy and glossy润燥腐腻

moist,dry,tough or delicate荣枯老嫩

moist eczema湿润性湿疹

moist gangrene湿性坏疽

moist tetter湿疹

sweet in flavor and mildly moist in property甘平柔润

It is considered a normal picture of the tonguewhen the tongue is moist,neither slippery nor rough.舌面润泽,不滑不涩,干湿适中,为正常现象。

上一篇:moisten 下一篇:moisturize