
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:31:13

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1072页(1353字)




clear the nasal passage通鼻窍

dryness of the nasal cavity鼻干燥;鼻腔干燥

nasal acupuncture鼻针

nasal breath鼻息

nasal cartilage鼻柱骨

nasal discharge鼻涕

nasal disease鼻病

nasal duct鼻小管

nasal eczema鼻疳;鼻

nasal fistula鼻漏

nasal meatus鼻道

nasal furuncle鼻疖;鼻疳;鼻疔

nasal hemorrhage鼻出血;鼻衄

nasal mucous membrane鼻粘膜

nasal obstruction鼻塞

nasal passage鼻孔

nasal polyp鼻息肉

nasal secretion鼻水

nasal section鼻区

nasal sinuitis鼻窦炎

nasal sound鼻音

nasal tip鼻尖

nasal vestibulum鼻前庭

profuse nasal bleeding鼻洪

suffer from nasal catarrh患鼻粘膜炎

thin nasal discharge流清涕;清涕

turbid nasal discharge流浊涕;浊涕

Stiff nose due to wind-heat is often accompanied with turbid nasal discharge.风热鼻塞,多伴有鼻流浊涕。

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