
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:41:11

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1099页(9212字)


Ⅰ n.痛,疼痛Ⅱ v.①疼痛,使痛,使痛苦②作痛③觉得痛

abdominal pain around the umbilical region绕脐腹痛

abdominal pain due to blood stasis瘀血腹痛

abdominal pain due to cold evil寒冷腹痛;寒气腹痛

abdominal pain due to wetness-heat evil湿热腹痛

aching pain酸痛

after pains儿枕痛(妇女产后,子宫收缩引起的阵痛)

alleviate pain止痛

an intermittent pain间歇痛

an unbearable pain难忍的疼痛

assuage pain止痛

a throbbing pain跳痛

(a)bearing-down pain(分娩第二期的)坠痛

be in pain疼痛

boring pain钻痛;锥痛

burning pain(of)灼痛;灼痛感

bursting pain撕裂痛

cardiac stuffiness and pain心前区闷痛

cervical pain due to stiff neck落枕颈痛

chest pain radiating to the back心痛彻背

clear away heat and alleviate pain清热止痛

cold pain寒性疼痛

cold pain of a part of the body身体某部位的寒性疼痛

colic pain肚绞痛

colicky pain肚腹绞痛

conjunctive congestion with swelling and pain目赤肿痛

continuous pain持续性疼痛

deliver sb.from pain解除某人的疼痛

dental pain牙痛

difficulty and pain in micturition小便涩痛

dilating pains(子宫)扩张期痛

disperse the depressed liver-energy and alleviate pain疏肝止痛

distending pain胀痛

distending pain of the breast乳房胀痛

dragging pain坠痛

dull pain钝痛

dull pain in gastric cavity胃脘隐隐作痛

ease the pain镇痛

epigastric pain心口痛;胃脘痛

epigastric pain with palpitation悸心痛

excruciating pain剧痛

expel wind and alleviate pain搜风止痛

expulsive pains娩出期痛

eye pain目痛

false pains假阵痛

feel no pain不觉得痛

fiery pain剧痛

fullness pain胀痛

general pain全身痛

general pain and heaviness全身痛重

girdle pain箍痛

(a)gripping pain绞痛

growing pains发育期痛

have pains(a pain)in…疼痛

hollow pain空痛

hunger pain饥饿样痛

hypochondriac pain(chest pain)膈痛

hypochondriac pain due to common cold感冒胁痛

hypochondriac pain due to the retention of phlegm痰饮胁痛

hypochondriac pain due to trauma跌打胁痛

hypochondriac pain due to wetness-heat evil湿热胁痛

hypochondriac pain for being frightened惊伤胁痛

inability to raise the arm due to pain in the shoulder and arm肩臂痛不能举

inferior dental pain下牙痛

intense pain剧痛

intermenstrual pain经间痛

intractable pain顽固性疼痛

jumping pain跳痛

kill pain止痛

labor pain产前阵痛;分娩痛

lancinating pain刀刺性痛

localized pain痛有定处

lumbosacral pain腰骶痛;腰尻痛

middle pain经间痛

mind pain精神性痛

muscular atrophy,numbness,flaccidity and pain of the lower extremities下肢痿痹

numb pain麻痛

Pain-Alleviating Adhesive Plaster of Musk麝香镇痛膏

pain along the spinal column腰脊痛

pain and swelling of the external genitalia外阴肿痛

pain around the navel脐周痛

pain deep to the bones痛入骨髓

pain in the ankle踝关节痛

pain in the costal region肋痛

pain in the elbow肘部痛

pain in the face面痛

pain in the forehead前头痛

pain in the heel足跟痛

pain in the hip joint髋关节痛

pain in the knee joint膝关节痛

pain in the knee and popliteal fossa膝腘酸痛

pain in hypochondriac region胁肋疼痛

pain in the left hypochondrium左肋痛

pain in the legs and numbness of the extremities腰腿疼痛,四肢麻木

pain in the lower abdomen小腹痛

pain in the lumbar region腰肌痛

pain in the lumbo-sacral region腰骶痛

pain in the scapula肩胛痛

pain in the shoulder and back肩背痛

pain in the shoulder joint肩关节痛

pain in the supraclavicular region锁骨痛

pain in the testicle睾丸痛

pain in the testis of penis

pain in the tongue舌痛

pain in the vagina阴道痛

pain in the wrist腕关节痛

pain modulatory system痛觉调理系统

pain of a part of the body身体某部位的疼痛

pain of the calf腓肠痛;小腿肚痛

pain of the eyes due to wind and fire风火眼痛

pain of the lower back腰背痛

pain of the outer canthus目外眦痛

pain of the waist and the lower extremities腰腿痛

pain sensation痛觉

pain spot痛点

paroxysm of prickling pain阵发刺痛

percussion pain叩击痛

persistent pain持续痛

postprandial pain食后痛

precordial pain caused by cold-evil寒厥心痛;厥心

precordial pain due to cold冷(气)心痛

premonitory pains先兆阵痛

prickling pain刺痛

radiating pain放射性痛

redness with swelling and pain of the eyes目赤疼痛

referred pain牵涉样痛

relief of pain疼痛缓解

relieve pain止痛;缓解疼痛

restlessness and pain of the body身体烦痛

restlessness and pain of the limbs肢节烦痛

sharp pain剧痛

slight pressure pain轻度压痛

soul pain精神性痛

stabbing pain刺痛

stiffness and pain of the neck and head头颈强痛

stomach pain胃痛

stop pain解除疼痛;止痛

stringy pain串痛

subaural pain耳下痛

suffocating pain闷痛

swelling and pain of the glans penis龟头肿痛

swelling and pain of the subglossal region舌下肿痛

tearing pain撕裂痛

terebranting pain锥痛

terebrant pain锥痛

tic pain抽搐痛

tracting pain牵扯性痛

unbearable pain痛不可忍

vague pain隐痛

wander pain游走性痛;痛无定处

wandering pain游走性痛;痛无定处

It is the obstruction that causes the pain.不通则痛。

It’s terrible pain.痛得厉害。

What sort of pain?怎么痛法?

Where do you get the pain?你哪儿痛?

There is a gripping pain in my abdomen.我肚子拧着痛。

I’m feeling a radiating pain.我感到放射痛。

I’m feeling a dull pain.我感到钝痛。

I’m felling a bursting pain.我感到撕裂般的痛。

I’m feeling a slight pain.我感到轻微的痛。

The pain goes down along the buttock and thigh to the right heel.这一疼痛沿臀部、大腿向下直到右脚跟。

What kind of pain do you have?你觉得是什么样的痛法?

I have a dragging pain.我觉得牵拉样痛。

I have a colic pain.我觉得绞痛。

I have a referred pain.我觉得牵涉样痛。

It’s like a burning pain.象是烧灼样的痛。

Taut pulse indicates pain syndrome.弦脉主疼痛。

The pain causes much perspiration.痛得直出汗。

Generally,pain in the tongue includes burning pain,prickling pain,numb pain and other sensations.一般说舌痛有灼痛、刺痛、麻痛等感觉。

The pain is awful,isn’t it?痛得厉害,是吗?

My tooth is paining.我牙痛。

He soaked his feet in hot water because they were paining.因为脚痛,他将脚泡在热水中。

It pained when he moved his arm.移动手臂时他便觉得痛。

The pain feels like continuous boring into my head.就象锥刺一样,头一跳一跳的痛。

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