
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 22:48:59

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1122页(1108字)




convulsive seizures due to phlegm-fire痰火痉

The convulsive seizures are due to phlegmfire.痰火发痉。

dizziness due to phlegm-fire痰火眩晕

The dizziness is due to phlegm-fire.痰火眩晕。

headache due to phlegm-fire痰火头痛

The headache is due to phlegm-fire.痰火头痛。

heart disturbed by phlegm-fire痰火扰心

The heart is disturbed by phlegm-fire.痰火扰心。

phlegm-fire attacting the heart痰火扰心

Phlegm-fire attacts the heart.痰火扰心。

severe palpitation due to phlegm-fire痰火怔忡

The severe palpitation is due to phlegmfire.痰火怔忡。

tinnitus due to phlegm-fire痰火耳鸣

The tinnitus is due to phlegm-fire.痰火耳鸣。

Phlegm-fire is caused by combination of fire and phlegm in the lung.痰火是火与痰互结于肺引起的。

Stasis of qi generates phlegm-fire.气郁生痰化火。
