
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 23:17:10

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1195页(3241字)




decline of reinforcing and astringent functions of the kidney-qi肾气固摄无权

Decoction for Reinforcing Middle-wamer and Replenishing Qi补中益气汤

eliminate first and then reinforce先攻后补

even reinforcing and reducing平补平泻(法)

first reinforcing,then eliminating先补后攻(法)

mildly reinforce the kidney-yang温补肾阳

reinforce middle-warmer补中

reinforce one’s health增进健康

reinforce or reduce by rotating the needle捻转补泻

reinforce or reduce lifting and thrusting the needle提插补泻

reinforce the asthma-relieving effect加强平喘之功

reinforce the earth to generate the metal培土生金

reinforce the effect of drastic purgation增强峻下之力

reinforce the efficacy of the principal drug in arresting vomiting加强主药止呕之作用

reinforce the primordial qi培补元气

reinforce the spleen健脾;补脾

reinforce the viscera养脏

reinforce the vital function补阳

reinforce weaked body and build up health补虚强壮

reinforce yang助阳

reinforce yang to promote the flow of qi助阳化气

reinforcing and reducing补泻(法)

reinforcing and reducing by lifting and thrusting the needle提插补泻

reinforcing and reducing by puncturing along and against the direction of channels respectively迎随补泻

reinforcing and reducing by twirling and rotating the needle捻转补泻

reinforcing and reducing methods补泻手法

reinforcing and reducing methods of acupuncture针刺补泻手法

reinforcing or reducing by closing or enlarging the acupuncture hole开阖补泻

reinforcing or reducing by timing the insertion and the withdrawal of the needle according to the phases of the patient’s respiration呼吸补泻

reinforce the five viscera补五脏

reinforce the kidney and arrest hemorrhage补肾止血

reinforce the kidney and supporting yang补肾助阳

reinforce the kidney to strengthen the bone补肾健骨

reinforce the kidney yang补肾助阳

reinforce the major in deficiency syndromes虚则补其母

reinforce the spleen补脾

reinforce the spleen and stomach健脾补胃

reinforce the spleen to replenish qi补脾益气

reinforce the stomach益胃

reinforce yang to eliminate pathogenic factors yin in nature扶阳退阴

the method of reinforcing and reducing补泻手法

the reinforcing and reducing by keeping the hole open and close开合补泻

the drugs with the effect of strengthening the spleen and reinforcing qi健脾益气药

Reinforcing and reducing methods are used simultaneously.补虚泻实同时采用。

上一篇:reinforcement 下一篇:reddish