
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 23:17:40

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1197页(1395字)




keep the abdominal muscle relaxed使腹部肌肉放松

relax and activate the tendons舒筋活络

relax one’s attention放松注意力

relax one’s mind使脑子得到休息

relax the abdomen松腹

relax the anus松肛

relax the body and relieve the mind体放松心放宽

relax the bowels通便

relax the bowels with demulcents缓下

relax the bowels with drugs of cold nature寒下

relax the bowels with drugs of warm nature温开通便;温下

relax the bowels with honey suppository蜜煎导法

relax the chest宽胸理气

relax the hands松手

relax the heels to the ground脚根落地

relax the local muscle放松局部肌肉

relax the lumbar muscles疏利腰脊

relax the muscular spasm解痉

relax the muscles放松肌肉;使肌肉松弛;伸筋

relax the muscles and joints舒筋

relax the muscles and tendons伸筋

relax the myospasm舒筋

relax the tendons疏筋活络

Drugs of bitter flavour have the effect of relaxing the bowels.苦有通泄大便作用。

上一篇:relate 下一篇:relaxation