Stetteria hydrogenophila
出处:按学科分类—生物科学 军事医学科学出版社《细菌名称英解汉译词典》第365页(753字)
Jochimsen et al 1998 48∶328
It required elemental sulfur as an external electron acceptor,and in addition,its growth was completely dependent on the presence of molecular hydrogen.Sulfur could be replaced by thiosulfate.H2S,CO2,acetate,and ethanol were identified as products of metabolism.The G+ C content of DNA was 65 mol%.Analysis of its phylogenetic position by sequence analysis of 16S rRNA placed this organism in the family of Desulfurococcaceae.The dependence of this organism on both hydrogen and sulfur during growth on peptide substrates distinguishes Stetteria from all previously described species of Crenarchaeota.嗜产氢斯梯特氏菌;BJ:Extremophile 1∶67-73,1997;BJ:IJSB 48∶327,1998;L64;TS:DSM 11227