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书籍:新英汉大词典上 更新时间:2018-09-12 08:51:07

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第81页(539字)



①附上,贴上,缚上〔Attach a stamp to the letter.给这封信贴上邮票。

〕②使依恋,使执着〔Most people become attached to their pets.大多数人越来越依恋他们的宠物。〕③加上(条件等)〔Will you attach your signature to this petition?你愿意在请愿书上签上你的名字吗?〕④认为…的原因;使与…相关,附属于〔I attach great importance to this bit of news.我很重视这一新闻。〕⑤任命,委派〔The lieutenant is temporarily attached to our regiment.中尉被暂时委派到我们团。

〕⑥依法扣留;查封〔We had to attach Smith’s salary to collect what he owed us.我们不得不扣除史密斯的薪水以收回他所欠我们的帐。

〕/attach to相连;附属〔Certain duties attach to this position.某些责任是属于这个职位的。〕

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