更新时间:2018-09-12 10:04:11
出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 中央民族大学出版社《新英汉大词典上》第328页(546字)
①允许…离开,释放〔to discharge a soldier from the army令士兵退伍;to discharge a patient from a hospital让病人出院;to discharge a prisoner from iail放犯人出狱〕②解雇③卸货〔The boat discharged its cargo.将货从船上卸下来。
〕④排出〔The steam is discharged through this pipe.蒸汽从此管排出。〕⑤清偿;履行〔I have discharged all mv obligations.我已履行了所有职责。〕⑥射出,开(炮等)⑦[电]放电〔to discharge a battery将电池放电〕‖ n.①卸货;发射;排出;放电;清偿;履行②(退伍、解职、释放等的)证明书〔He has an honorable discharge from the army.他有光荣退伍证明书。〕③流出物,排泄物〔His shirt was stained by the discharge from the wound.他的衬衫被伤口的脓水弄脏了。