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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:39:57

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第222页(1841字)


a.①晴朗的,清彻的,清晰的:a clear sky晴朗的天空.clear stars明亮的星星.a clear photograph清晰的照片.The water in the lake is quite clear.湖水清彻见底.②(声音等)清晰的,响亮的:the clear note of a bell响亮的钟声.the clear voice o f the announcer广播员清晰的声音.③(思想、立场等)清楚的,明白的,明显的,清醒的:keep a clear head保持清醒的头脑.make things clear 把事情弄清楚.Do I make myself clear?你明白我的意思吗?It was clear(to everyone)that their plot was doomed to failure.很明显,他们的阴谋注定要失败.It’s as clear as can be.再清楚不过了.④肯定的,确实的:I am clear on the matter.我敢肯定这件事.I am clear that it is a tact.我相信这是事实.⑤畅通的,开阔的:a clear space空地.Is the road clear?道路畅通吗?⑥整整的,净的,纯的:three clear days整整三天.a clear majority绝对多数.clear width净阔,纯幅.⑦清除了的:be clear of debt没有债务.be clear of errors没有错误.be clear of worry无忧无虑.be clear of suspicion不再受怀疑.

-ad.①清楚地,明白地:He speaks loud and clear.他说话声大而且清楚.②完全地,全然地:get clear away(or off)全然离开,逃掉.get clear out完全出来.③有距离地,不接触地:He jumped three inches clear of the bar.他以高出横竿三时的高度跳了过去.The ship passed clear of the rock.船避开礁石驶过.

-vt.①清理,清除,清扫:clear a mine field(在布雷区)扫雷.clear the streets of snow扫除街上的雪.clear one’s mind of doubt解除疑惑.clear the table(饭后)收拾桌子.clear one’s throat(轻咳一下)清清嗓子.②开辟,开拓,开垦:clear land(砍林除草)开垦土地.clear a path through snow在雪中开出一条路.③跳过,通过:clear 2.29 metres跳过二米二十九.④净得,赚得:clear expenses收支相抵.⑤办理进出港手续:clear a port出港.

-vi.①澄清,放晴:The sky is clearing.天晴起来了.②(船只)结关出港.③【口语】逃掉.

△clear away 1)扫除,收拾;消除(疑难):clear away dinner things收拾碗筷.2)(云雾)消散,(雷声)停止:The clouds gradually cleared away.云渐渐地消散了.clear off 1)完成,清理(工作等),还清(债务等):clear off arrears of work完成扫尾工作.2)(赶走)走开.clear out 1)清除:clear out cow-dung from a cowshed起圈粪.2)离开.clear up 1)整顿,清理:clear up the mess收拾残局.Clear up yourdesk before you leave the classroom.在离开教室前把书桌整理好.2)解决:clear up a diffi culty解决困难.3)放晴:I think it will clear up soon.我想天很快就会放晴.

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