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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:15:43

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第457页(3081字)


(fell,fallen)vi.①落,落下,降下:The rain(snow) falls.下雨(雪).The leaves fell.树叶落了.The pen fell to the floor.钢笔掉在地板上.②跌倒,倒塌,倒下:The house fell because of the earthquake.房子由于地震而倒塌了.Mind you don’t fall.你当心别跌倒了.He fell in battle.他阵亡了.Six enemy soldiers fell to his rifle.他用枪打死了六个敌兵.His plans fell to the ground.他的计划失败了.fall on one’s feet【喻】幸运,幸免.the fall en阵亡者.③悬垂:Her hair falls over her shoulders.她的头发披在肩上.④下降,减弱,低落,消沉:The temperature fell rapidly.温度急剧下降.Prices are falling.物价下跌.His voice fell to a whisper.他的声音降低成了耳语.The wind fell during the night.夜间风小了.The water in the river is falling.河水落了.His face fell.他面容沮丧.His spirits fell at the sad news.他听到这个不幸消息,情绪低落.⑤陷于,变成(某种状态):fall ill生起病来.fall asleep睡着.Don’t let the children fall into bad habits.不要让孩子们养成坏习惯.fall in love(with sb.or sth.)爱上了(某人或某物).⑥落到,来到:Fear fell upon them. 他们恐惧起来.A great stillness has fall en upon everything.万籁寂静.The responsibility fell upon us.责任落在我们肩上.It fell to my lot to open the discussion.我不得不第一个发言.⑦堕落:fall into error犯错误.He was tempted,but did not fall.他受了诱惑,但是没有堕落下去.⑧陷落:The enemy’s fort fell.敌人的要塞陷落了.⑨(目光、声音等)朝向:His eyes fell on me.他注视着我.Strange sounds fell on our ears.我们听到了奇怪的声音.⑩适逢,来临:National Day falls on a Sunday this year.今年国庆节刚好是星期日.⑾分成,成为:The subject falls into four parts.这个题目分为四个部分.⑿(土地)倾斜,成斜坡:The ground falls towards the river.这块地向河边倾斜.⒀(河)流入:The river falls into the sea.这条河流入大海.⒁(言语)露出,说出:Not a word fell from his lips.他什么也没有说.⒂(小动物)下生:The lambs are beginning to fall.小羔就要出生.

△fall across碰见.fall away 1)消瘦:fall away in flesh消瘦.2)衰弱:The patient is falling away slowly.病人慢慢衰弱下去.3)疏远,抛弃:His supporters began to fall away.支持他的人开始和他疏远了.4)消失,渐退:When the rain stopped,the flood began to fall away.雨停的时候,洪水开始退去.5)变节,背叛.fall back退,撤退:Our attack was so vigorous that the enemy had to fall back.我们的进攻是那样地猛烈,使得敌人不得不撤退.fall back on依靠:have nothing to fall back on一无所靠.fall behind落后,跟不上:He never fell behind in work.他在工作中从不落后.fall for 1)受骗:We shall not fall for the glib peace talk as ladled out by the imperialists.我们不会受帝国主义所唱的和平经的欺骗.2)被迷住,爱上.fall in 1)向里倒,塌陷:The sides of the pit fell in.井壁塌了.2)集合,列队:The platoon leader ordered the men to fall in.排长命令战士集合.3)(租约、债务)到期.fall in with 1)碰见.2)同意,符合:The measure falls in with popular demands. 这措施符合人民的要求.fall into line 1)意见一致(with).2)排队.fall off 1)落下.2)减少,下降:The quantity of defective goods has fall en off considerably.次品的数量大大减少了.3)疏远,叛离.4)(文字、习惯等)废止.fall on(or upon)进攻:fall on the enemy进攻敌人.fall out 1)争吵.2)偶然发生:It fell out that no guard was on duty that night.那晚刚巧没有守卫人值班.3)离队,掉队.4)结果:Things fell out well.结果很好.fall over oneself 1)(因笨拙或匆忙而)跌倒.2)【喻】急想,渴望.fall through失败:The intrigues of the imperialists have all fall en through.帝国主义者的一切阴谋都失败了.fall to开始…起来:fall to fighting开始打起来.As soon as the work was distributed,each comrade fell to.工作刚一分配完,同志们就开始工作.fall under归入…部(类).

-n.①降落,跌:a fall intemperature温度下降.a fall from a ladder从梯子上掉下来.a fall in prices物价下跌.②降雨(雪)量:a twoinch fall of rain两时雨.③落差.④(pl.)瀑布.⑤【美】秋天.⑥堕落.⑦陷落,失守:the fall of a city城市失守.⑧衰亡:rise and fall 兴衰.⑨(兽的)产子,一胎.⑩(地的)倾斜.

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