
出处:按学科分类—农业科学 中国农业出版社《农作物品种鉴定手册》第144页(4515字)


图11-9 谱带分类及代号


















〔17〕H.Stegemann et al(1985),Gel Electrophoresis and Isoelectric Focusing,Institnt fur Biochemie,West Germany.

〔18〕S.R.Draper(1987),Standard Reference for the Identification of Cultivars of wheat and Barley by Polyacrylamide Gel ElectrophOresis.Seed Sci.& Technol.15:431—434.

〔19〕A.C.DEDALE,el al(1982),A Revised glasscation of wheat gliadin electropherograms,J.natn.Inst.agric.Bot.16:53—60.

〔20〕A.Clydesdale el al(1982),A Standard method for the identification of wheat varieties by electrophorosis of their gliadins,J.natn.Inst.agric.Bot.16:16—66.

〔21〕Hans Doll et al(1981),Preparation of Barley stora geprotein,Hordein,for AnalyticaI Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate—polyacry]amide gel electrophOresis.Analyrical Biochem ical,115:61—66.

〔22〕S.R.Draper et al(1984),Biochemical Tests for Cultivar IdentificatiOil ISTA.

〔23〕B.J.Cardy et al(1984),Identification of Soybeon Cultivars using isoenzyme electrophoresis,Seed Sci.& Technol.12:943—954.

〔24〕Arnoldl,Larsen(1966),A distinction bet ween proteins of annual and perennial ryegrass seeds,Proc.Association official Seed Analysis.56:47—51.

〔25〕D.Blogg et al(1982),Starch gel electrophoresis for Soybean Cullivar identification,Seed Sci.& Technol,10:19—24.

〔26〕H.J.Andersen(1982),Isoenzyme character of 47 barley Cultivars and their application in Cultivar identification,Seed Sci.& Technol,10:405—415.

〔27〕T.J.Gilland(1982),Evaluation of phosphogluccisenrase allaenzyme electrOphoresis for the identification and registration of Cultivars of Perenn i al ryegrass.Seed Sci.& Technol.10:415—430.

〔28〕M.B.German et al(1977),Variety—Specific electro phoresis Variants of four Soybean enzyme.Crop Sei.,7:963—965.

〔29〕A.L.Iarson(1967),Elcctrophoretic differences in Seed protein among varieties of Soybean,Crop Sci.7:311—313.

〔30〕B.A.Mardyle et al(1980),Barley caltivars identification by electrophoretic analysis of hordein proteins.

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〔31〕B.A.Marchyle.eL al(1981),Barley Cnltivars identifi cation by electrophoretic analysis of hordein prote.ins.Calalogus of electrophoregam for mulae barley Cultivars,Can.Plant Sci.,61:859—870.

〔32〕C.A.Wilkinson,et al(1985),Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for Cultivat identification in tobaco,Crop Sci.,25:971—974.

〔33〕J.F.Wikson et al(1972),Electrophoretic identification of Agestis palustris and pea pransis CulLivars,Crop Sci.,12:833—834.

〔34〕C.W.Wrigley(1983),Identification of Cereal varieties by gel electrophQresis of the grain Proteins.Advances in ScienOe and Technology.

〔35〕S.E.Gwrdiner(1986),SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of grass Seed prote ins:A method for Cnltivar identification of pasture grass,ISTA 21 Congress,Ⅱ(99).
