
出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第16页(8215字)





































Active ingredient

ambroxol hydrochloride


1 tablet contains 30 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride;dibasic calcium phosphate;lactose;magnesium stearate;poly(O-carboxymethyl)starch,sodium.


Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract with pathologically inspissated mucus,such as

·acute and chronic inflammations of the bronchial mucous membrane(bronchitis)


·bronchial asthma with disturbed elimination of secretory products

·pathological dilation of bronchi(bronchiectasis)

·in order to support mucolysis in case of inflammations of the nasopharyngial cavity


Contraindications include diseases or circumstances in which certain drugs may not be administered or may only be administered with careful medical monitoring,because,in general,there is not a favorable relationship between the expected benefits and the possible risks.In order that the physician can carefully check whether contraindications exist,he/she must be informed of previous illnesses,accompanying illnesses and other concomitant treatment as well as being informed of your special living conditions and habits.Contraindications can also first occur or become known first after starting the treatment with this preparation.You should also inform your physician in such cases.

Ambrohexal should not be administered in cases of hypersensitivity to ambroxol.

In cases of disturbed bronchial motoricity and an increasing amount of secretory products(e.g.,in case of the rare malign ciliary syndrome),Ambrohexal should be used only with caution due to a possible congestion of secretion.

Application during pregnancy and lactation period

During pregnancy,especially in the first three months,and during lactation period,Ambrohexal should be administered only after careful benefit-to-risk calculation,because the experience in men is not yet sufficient.

Side effects

In addition to the desired main effects,drugs can also have undesired effects-so-called side effects.Side effects,which have been observed in temporal connection with the administration of ambroxol,but which may not necessarily occur in every patient,are named below.In rare cases,gastrointestinal complaints(e.g.,nausea and abdominal pain)as well as allergic reactions(e.g.,skin rashes,facial swelling,dyspnea,rising temperature with shivering)may occur.

In rare cases,patients reported to suffer from dryness of the mouth and the respiratory tract,sialorrhea(excessive salivation),rhinorrhea(increased nasal secretion),constipation and dysuria(aggravated urination)after administraion of ambroxol.

In one case,the occurrence of an anaphylactic(allergic)shock was reported.Furthermore,there is a single case report about allergic contact dermatitis(inflammation of the skin).

Drug interactions

The effects of some drugs can be influenced when they are taken simultaneously with other substances.For this reason,ask your physician if you continuously take other drugs,or have recently taken or wish to take other medications together with the present drug.Your physician can tell you whether,under these circumstances,incompatibility reactions can be expected or whether special measures,such as a new dose fixing,are necessary when you take this preparation.The following drug interactions are observed between the present drug and other substances:

Due to the restricted cough reflex,concurrent administration of ambroxol with antitussives may lead to a dangerous congestion of secretions so that a very careful(acurate)diagnosis is necessary for this combination therapy.

Furthermore increased penetration of the antibiotics amoxicillin,cefuroxim and erythromycin into the bronchial secretion was reported,if these were administered together with ambroxol.In case of doxycyclin,this interaction is already used therapeutically.

Interactions of ambroxol with other drugs,which are used for the basic treatment of the bronchitic syndrome(bronchospasmolytics, methylxanthines, corticosteroids) are not known.

Dosage directions

If not otherwise directed:

Adults take 1 tablet three times a day at the beginning of treatment.In case of longterm therapy,the dosage may be reduced to 1 tablet twice a day.Children with 5 to 12 years of age receive 15 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride three times a day,corresponding to 1/2 Ambrohexal tablet three times a day.

Important inoformation

In cases of severe renal insufficiency(restricted function of kidneys),dosage should be adequately reduced or the dosage interval should be prolonged.

Mode and duration of Administraton

The tablets Should be taken after the meals together with some liquid

The duration of therapy should be decided individually by the physician,according to the indication and the course of the disease

Important information

The secretolytic effect of ambroxol is supported by fluid supply

Do not use this drug after the expiration date printed on the package.

Keep medicines out of the reach of children!

Ambrohexal normalizes the secretion and promotes the transport of mucus in the respiratory tract.The viscous mucus is thus liquefied and can be expectorated more easily.You can support these effects of Ambrohexal by drinking a lot.

Presentation and package sizes

Original packages containing

20,50 and 100 tablets


