出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第417页(9132字)
Rifampicin is a new semisynthetic antibiotic product efficient when administered by oral way,endowed with bactericide properties,discovered in the Research Laboratories of Lepetit.Its chemical structure is that of a 3-4(methyl-piperazinil iminomethyl)rifamycin SV(Rifampicin).
The antimicrobial activity“in vitro”is manifested in concentrations less than Imcg/ml against the gram-positive germs and against the microbacteria including Mycobacterium tuberculosis,and in concentrations of a few mcg/ml against the majority of the gram-negative germs.
Rifampicin gives no cross-resistance with other antibiotics(excepting the rifamycins);consequently,it is active also against the germs resistant to antibiotics.On the other hand,it is compulsory to observe that during treatment,(sometimes even very soon after its beginning),Rifampicin-resistant strains may appear with a variable incidence depending on the microbial species.
The efficiency of Rifampicin in different infections was fully verified in experiments;it overtakes that of all other antibiotics already studied,especially in staphylococcic infections;it proved especially remarkable in several infections of a different etiology and is placed between isoniazid and streptomycin in tuberculosis.
After“per os”administration of a 150mg dose,respectively 300mg,maximum sanguine concentrations shall be recorded towards the first hour’s end;the sanguine remanence is appreciable after 8 or even 12 hours.Its diffusion in tissues and humours is excellent.Rifampicin is eliminated predominantly by bile and by urine where it reaches very high concentrations.
Numerous clinical studies certify the therapeutic efficiency of Rifampicin in diseases determined by gram-positive germs,in numerous infections caused by gram-negative microbial flora and in tuberculosis.
Rifampicin is generally well tolerated.Sometimes it can determine gastric troubles.In very few cases hypersensibility phenomena were signalled(including thrombopenic purple).At some patients treated with rifampicin,leucopenia appeared,like in the cases of using other antibiotics,without being possible to establish any causal relation with the drug(Rifampicin)administration.Some cases of icterus and/or serum transaminases increase were observed in the majority of cases.The question being of patients to which Rifampicin was associated with other drugs,especially tuberculostatics.
Infections provoked by sensible germs.
Breathing apparatus infections:brochitis,pneumoniae,bronchopneumoniae,bronchiectasies,pulmonary abscesses,empiemae,pleuresies.Skin and soft tissues infections:furuncules,abscesses,favus,flegmona,whitlows,infected wounds.
Biliary ways infections:cystitis.
Surgical infections:otitis etc.
Pulmonary and uro-genital tuberculosis.
For a judicious use of the antibiotics,it is necessary to determine the pathogenous agents sensibility(respectively their possible resistance primary or acquired),by means of the antibiogram.
The same procedure is required in the case of Rifampicin(the antibiograms).If the disease is not favourably influenced in a convenient period of time,the treatment shall be modified;if a recidivation occurs,it is contraindicated to administer rifamycins without previous microbiological tests.
In cases of infections with alpha and beta-haemolytic streptococcus(pharingitis,amygdalitis)it is necessary to prove,by the end of the treatment,the disappearance of the causal agent of the disease.In such cases,Rifampicin is not indicated for far complications prevention,as even after clinical healing,some streptococci could persist because of a secondary resistance development.
Posology and Administration Mode
Rifampicin is presented as capsule of 150mg and 300mg.
1.Nonspecific infections
The recommended daily dose is of 600 mg;in grave cases it can be increased up to900-1 200mg.
In urinary infections a daily dose of 900-1 200mg is recommended.
In gonorrhoea,a 900mg dose is recommended;it should be taken in a single dose(the doses indicated above should be taken in two doses).
The daily recommended posology:up to 20mg/kg of body weight in one or two doses.Except gonorrhoea,the other enumerated infections require a treatment continued for some days after the amelioration of the clinical symptoms of the disease.
The daily dose is 600mg,to be administered,in general,in a single dose.
As a rule,Rifampicin should be administered with other tuberculostatics.
In view of a more rapid and complete resorption,it is recommended to take Rifampicin tablets on an empty stomach and at great intervals from meal-times.
100 capsules of 150mg.
It is contraindicated to administer Rifampicin in the presence of an icterus or of a Rifampicin hypersensibility,also during the first trimester of pregnancy.During the other two trimesters of gestation,as well as to the suckling babies,this drug should be administered only in cases of urgent necessity and only under direct medical supervision.
In the case of hepatic patients(especially with chronic alcoholism and cirrhosis),Rifampicin should be administered also only if it is absolutely necessary and under medical supervision.In such cases,the Rifampicin dose should be reduced,as well as the doses of other associated drugs(especially if they are potentially hepatotoxic),and the liver function should be supervised.
If Rifampicin is administered with oral anticoagulants,it is necessary to keep in mind that it can diminish their activity,sometimes being necessary to increase their posology.
Remarks:after Rifampicin administration,urine,tears and saliva get a rosy colour of variable intensity.
U.M.B-Drug Factory Bucharest