出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第538页(4376字)
(Blue):each tablet contains 3 mg of warfarin sodium
Warfarin tablets 5 mg
(Red):each tablet contains 5 mg of warfarin sodium
Warfarin is a synthetic drug which depresses synthesis of prothrombin in the liver,and interferes with the production of factors Vll,Ⅸ and X,thereby minimizing intravascular clotting.The inhibition of prothrombin involves interference with the action of vitamin K,and it has been postulated that warfarin,like bishydroxycoumarin,competes with vitamin K for an enzyme essential for prothrombin synthesis.Warfarin is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.Maximal plasma levels are achieved within 2-8 hours,peak effect in 36 to 72 hours,with effects on prothrombin time persisting for about 4-5 days following a single therapeutic dose.
For the prophylaxis and treatment of pulmonary embolism and venous thrombosis.
Dosage and administration
Dosage must be individualized with frequent prothrombin times being used as a guide until maintenance dosage is established.As a general guide,approximately 30-50 mg is a satisfactory initial dose,with 2 to 5 mg as a maintenance dose.The total dose may be administered once a day.It should be born in mind that the onset of therapeutic effect occurs only after about 30 hours.
In the presence of bleeding or a tendency to bleed(haemorrhage),blood dyscrasias,purpura,open ulcerative,traumatic,or surgical wounds,ulcerations of the gastrointestinal tract,visceral carcinoma,diverticulitis,colitis,or subacute bacterial endocarditis,imminent abortion,recent surgery on the eye,brain or spinal cord,regional and lumbar block anaesthesia,vitamin K deficiency,severe hypertension,severe hepatic or renal disease,and when there iscontinuous tubal drainage of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.
Adverse reactions
Excessive doses may cause haematuria,bleeding from mucous membranes,haemorrhage from a wound or an ulcerative lesion or widespread petechial and purpuric haemorrhages.Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction have been reported from submucosal or intramural hemorrhage.Excessive uterine bleeding has occurred,but menstrual flow is usually normal.Bleeding following oral coumarin anticoagulant therapy does not always correlate with prothrombin activity.
In addition to haemorrhage and haemorrhagic manifestations,dermatitis,urticara,and alopecia have rarely been reported.Other less commonly reported side effects include fever and gastrointestinal symptoms varying from nausea and vomiting to abdominal cramping and diarrhoea.Haemorrhagic necrosis(bleeding into the skin and subcutaneous tissue with necrosis,vasculitis,and thrombosis)of the female breast and other areas has been reported in association with oral anticoagulant therapy.
The concomitant use of salisylic acid or its derivatives may cause an increasing tendency to bleed.
Orion Corporation,Orion Pharmaceutica,Espoo,Finland