
出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第541页(7222字)







1.主要成分及性质 维生素U原质,乃白色结晶粉末,药味稍浓,易致潮湿,且易溶解。

2.片剂构造 胃仙-U胃肠专药,其药片的结构,与其他药片制法完全不同,药片之内,另有药片,成为新型双层药片。


3.优点 胃仙-U双层药片,其外层含有强力制酸剂,服后迅速溶解即将过多胃酸中和。保护胃膜,此时内层药片主制剂的维生素U立即开始发挥效能,深入溃疡部分,治疗患处。






4.效能 胃仙-U能以最少药量而收最大效能,避免施用手术麻烦,更可缩短治疗时间,减轻病人痛苦。









1.普通胃肠不适 每日服3次每次1片(每隔4h1次),于餐后服用,应继续服用10d,以收痊愈之效。

2.中和胃酸过多,及预防胃溃疡与十二指肠溃疡 每日服3次,每次1~2片(每隔4h1次),于餐后服用,直至病症消失时再继续服用2~3周则可预防胃溃疡症及十二指肠溃疡症复发。

3.治疗初期胃溃疡症及十二指肠溃疡症 发现初期胃溃疡症及十二指肠溃疡症时,宜连续服用4~5周,每次服2片,3次/d,于餐后服用。

4.儿童用量 应按照年龄而减少用量(10~15岁减半,6~10岁1/3,4~6岁1/4)。

5.孕妇 医师指导下亦可服用,安全无忌。

6.中年人 酒精过量,以致胃肠不适,如服一片,可助消化,使胃部舒畅。












A Significant Advance in the Treatment of Gastcic and Duodenal Ulcers.

Facts about gastric and duodenal ulcers

In our modern life,more and more people are suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers.This condition is caused by an excess of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice,brought about by irregular eating habits and the nervous tension due to the stress of daily life.

A wonderful discovery

Recent research has led to the discovery of a remarkable new substance,first extracted from cabbages,which has an extraordinary healing effect on gastric and duodenal ulcers.

This substance,now called methylmethionine sulfonium chloride is the active ingredient which we proudly present in our Weisen-U.


This substance,the main ingredient in Weisen-U,has successfully undergone extensive trials in leading Japanese hospitals and institutes of learning such as:

*Keio University Medical School,Physical Section.

*Kanazawa University Medical School,Physical Section.

*Atami Stomach and Duodenal Hospital.

*Surgical Service of Tokyo University Hospital.

*Third Internal Service of Kyoto Prefectural Medical School Hospital.

This substance was also studied in California,and astounding relieyes were reported in the Stanford Medical Bulletin(May 1955;204).

Weisen-U the successor of Weisen

The well-known Weisen,a gastric and duodenal ulcer remedy,has been marketed for over ten years and thousands of satisfied users can testify to its effectiveness;but as progress marches on,a new and more modern remedy Weisen-U,has been introduced.

Weisen-U is free from side effects and is absolutely safe for everybody including pregnant women,even when taken over long periods.

Improved composition of dual action Weisen-U tablets

Each Weisen-U tablet consists of 2 tablets an outer green tablet containing antacids andan enclosed inner core tablet containing methylmethionine sulfonium chloride.

Outer tablet(green)

Dried Aluminum Hydroxide Gel 160.0 mg

Magnesium Trisilicate 145.0 mg

also contains Sodium Glycyrrhizinate,Glucuronic acid,Ext.Bile Bovini,1-Menthol and Chlorophyll.

Diagram of the structure of dual-action Weisen-U Tablet

Inner tablet(white to slightly yellowish)

Methylmethionine Sulfonium Chloride 25.0 mg

Diastase Serong 12.0 mg

(JP.Diastase equilibrates 60.0 mg)

After administration,the outer green tablet dissolves,releasing antacids which immediately neutralize the excess acid present as well as protect the stomach,and then,the inner tablet dissolves,releasing the anti-ulcer agent which calms the vagus nerve,and so prevents more acid from being produced.

Weisen-U is thus a wonder drug with a double action:the outer tablet gives instant relief and the inner tablet provides lasting effect.

Effectiveness of Weisen-U

Weisen-U has the following properties:

1.It relieves the discomfort and pain of gastric and duodenal ulcer.

2.It aids healing of the ulcer and prevents relapses.

3.It relieves heart-burn,gastritis,stomach pain,belching and over-acidity.


The usual adult dose is one or two tablets to be taken three times a day after meals.This dose may be adjusted according to the age of the patient and severity of the complaint.To prevent a relapse,treatment should be continued two or three weeks after the symptoms have disappeared.

The discomfort felt after over-eating or a sumptuous dinner is quickly relieved by a dose of Weisen-U.


Ulcer healing will be accelerated if patients,at the commencement of treatment,take a soft diet and avoid alcohol,spices and indigestible food:after 2 or 3 weeks,a normal but bland diet may be resumed.


Weisen-U dual-action tablets are packed in bottles of 30 and 100.


Shigaken Pharm.Ind.Co.,Ltd.Japan
