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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:22:08

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第508页(541字)


a.①前方的,在前部的:the 1forward gun in a ship军舰的前炮.a 1forward area【军】前沿地带.②向前的,前进的:a 1forward march(movement)进军(向前的运动).be well 1forward with one’s work早做完了工作.③提早的,早熟的:1forward blossom提前开的花.The child was very 1forward at walking.这孩子走路走得早.④热心的,急切的;The Chinese people are 1forward to render help to the oppressed people the world over中国人民积极援助世界上被压迫的人民.⑤进步的,极端的:a 1forward policy进步的政策.1forward opinions急进的主张.⑥大胆的,不拘礼节的⑦【商】预约的:a 1forward price预约价.a 1forward contract预约合同.1forwardness n.


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