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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:25:41

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第543页(5994字)


(现在式he,she,it goes,过去式went,过去分词gonen.)vi.①去,到…去,行进:go to the countryside到农村去.go home回家.go by train(bus)坐火车(公共汽车)去.go onfoot走着去.go on a journey去旅行.go for a walk去散步.go shopping(swimming)去买东西(游泳).The train was going(at)60 kilometres an hour.火车以每小时六十公里的速度运行.②离去,逝去,停止,消灭:It’s getting late,we must be going.天晚了,我们该走了.They came at six and went at nine.他们六点来到,九点离去.All comrades are gone.同志们全走了.Winter has gone.冬天过去了.The pain in my back has gone.我的背不疼了.All hope is gone.一切希望都完了.His sight is going.他的视力不行了.③变得,进入…状态:go armed武装起来.go wild with joy欢喜若狂.go mad发疯.go blind变瞎.go bad(食物)变坏.Things are going hard with U.S.imperialism.美帝的处境很不妙.go to sleep入睡.go to pieces裂碎,粉碎.go to seed(植物)结籽.④处于…状态:go hungry挨饿.go without a hat不戴帽子.go naked赤身裸体.go apprentice当学徒.⑤(机器、钟表等)运转:My watch goes well.我的表走得很好.The machine goes by electricity.这机器是电动的.⑥达到,通到:This road goes to Peking.这条路通北京.One thousand kilo grammes go to a ton.一千公斤是一吨.⑦垮,倒塌,折断:The embankment may go any day.这堤坝随时都可能塌陷.The mast went in the wind.桅杆被风吹断了.⑧归于,属于,落入…手:Victory will certainly go to the people of the world.胜利一定属于世界人民.Hon our goes to the Communist Party of China.光荣归于中国共产党.The first prize went to Comrade Liu.刘同志得了一等奖.⑨求助于,诉诸:go to law(war)诉诸法律(战争).⑩放置,装入:Where dothese books go?——They go to the shelf.这些书放在哪儿?——放在书架上.The potatoes won’t go in the small bag.袋子小,土豆装不下了.⑾卖出:The apples went for twenty-five fen a jin.苹果两角五一斤卖掉了.⑿花费:All his spare money goes on books.他把多余的钱都用来买书了.⒀流传,(钱币等)通用:The story goes that据说….⒁响,发声,(钟)敲点:‘Bang!’went the gun.‘砰’的一声枪响了.The clock goes ticktock,tick-tock.钟滴嗒滴嗒地响着.The clock went ten.钟敲过十点.⒂进行:All things went well.一切都很顺利.⒃被称为,被叫做:The boy goes by(or under)the name of‘Little Devil’.大家叫这孩子‘小鬼’.⒄(用于否定句)行得通:Things won’t go without massmovement.没有群众运动是不行的.⒅(用进行时态后接不定式)1)打算,计划,决定:I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.我打算明天理发.We’re going to accepthis invitation.我们决定接受他的邀请.2)可能:The forecast says that there’s going to be a storm this afternoon.天气预报说今天下午可能有暴风雨.3)即将,就要:I’m going to start我就要出发了.⒆(用于某些短语中)从事,作(某事):go to school上学.go to thecinema去看电影.go to sea当水手.go on the stage当演员.

-vt.①打赌:I will go you ashilling.我用一先令和你打赌.②忍受:I can’t go her nonsense.她的胡说八道我听不下去.

△go about 1)各处去:He went about doing good.他到处做好事.2)着手,进行:We must go about our work at once.我们必须上着手工作.Go about your business.忙你自己的事吧.3)传说,流传:A story is going about that the murderer has been caught.传说凶手已经被抓住了.go after追求:Don’t go after personal gains.不要追求个人利益.go against违背,违反,与…对立,不利于:We must never do anvthing that goes against the interests of the people.我们决不可做违背人民利益的事.Revisionism goes against the principles ofMarxism-Leninism.修正主义是与马列主义的原则相对立的.go ahead1)先走,在前面走:You go ahead and tell him we’re coming.你先去告诉他我们马上就来.2)马上开始,马上着手:May I start now?——Yes,go ahead.现在可以开始吗?——好,开始吧.3)前进,进步:The new project is going ahead fast.新工程进展迅速.He is going ahead fast in his English studies.他学英语进步很快.go along前进:I found the work very interesting as I went along.在做的过程中我发现这工作很有趣.go along with陪伴:I’ll go along with you.我跟你一道去.Go along with you!【口语】滚开!去你的吧! go at1)扑向,攻击.2)从事:They went at their work enthusiastically.他们热情地工作.go at it hammer and tongs拚命去干,剧烈争斗.go back回去,追溯,回顾.go back on背(约),食(言),背叛:He’s not the sort of man who would go back on his word.他不是那种说话不算数的人.go before先于:Pride goes before afall.骄必败.go behind(sth.)调查内部事实,摸底.go beyond超过,超出.go by 1)走过,经过,过去:We waited for the processionto go by.我们等着队伍走过去.Three days have gone by.三天过去了.2)遵循,按…行事:go by principles遵循原则.I shall go by what he says.我将按着他的话去做.go down 1)下沉,(船)沉没,(日、月)落,偏西.2)(物价)下跌.3)被咽下:This pill won’t go down.这药丸咽不下去.4)被相信,可接受:That argument won’t go down with him.那个论据他不会接受.5)被记下:He will go down in history as a national hero.他将作为民族英雄被载入史册.6)被打败,被推翻.go for 1)去找,去请,去拿:go for a doctor去请医生.2)被认为,被当作:All the efforts they had made went for nothing.他们所作的努力全白费了.3)攻击,指责.4)适用于.go forth发行,发表,发出.go in 1)进入.2)(日、月等)被云遮蔽.go in for 1)从事,参加:go in for agriculture in a big way大办农业.More and more people in our country go in for sport. 在我们国家越来越多的人参加体育运动.2)喜爱,沉溺于.go into 1)加入,进入:go into thearmy参军.2)深入调查,详细研究:Before you draw a conclusion,you have to go into the question.深入调查一下这个问题才能得出结论.3)从事:go into details详述.go in with 1)与…分担(花费、责任).2)参加,加入.go it【俚】使劲干,尽管干.go off 1)射出,爆炸:The guns went off.大炮打响了.2)离去.3)变坏,变得不新鲜:The meat has gone off slightly.这肉有点变味了.4)失去知觉,入睡:She went off in a faint.她昏过去了.5)(货物)售出.6)进行:The performance went off well.演出进行很顺利.go on 1)向前走,前进,继续:Class struggle will go on until classes are eliminated.阶级斗争将继续下去直到阶级消灭为止.Go on!继续下去!Go on with your work.继续做你的工作.Go on reading.继续读下去.2)接下去,下面…(接不定式):Let’s go on to discuss the next question.我们接下去讨论下一个问题.3)举止,行为:If you go on like this, you’ll be punished.照这样下去你会受处罚.4)发生.5)将近,接近(for):He is going on for 70.他将近七十岁了.go out 1)(火、灯)熄灭.2)过时:Those expressions have gone out.那些说法已经过时了.3)举行罢工.4)(年、月)结束:The year 1971 went out victoriously.一九七一年胜利结束了.go over 1)变节,改教,投奔(to).2)仔细检查: Before you hand in your composition,you had better go it over.交作文以前,最好仔细看一遍.3)温习,排练:go over one’s lessons复习功课.4)成功.go round 1)分配:The apples are not enough to go round.苹果不够分配.2)顺便访问:I went round to see Comrade Liu yesterday.昨天我顺便去看了一下刘同志.3)迂回,绕道.go through 1)经过,经历,经受:go through hardships经历艰苦.go through fire and water赴汤蹈火.2)彻底检查,搜查.3)执行,参加(仪式等).4)通过:The plan did not go through.计划没有通过.5)用光,花光(钱等).go through with完成,做完,贯彻:We are determined to go through with the work.我们决心完成这项工作.go together相称,谐调:These colours go well together.这些颜色很调和.go under 1)沉没.2)失败,输,破产.go up 1)上升,上涨:In capitalist countries prices go up constantly.在资本主义国家物价不断上涨.2)建立:New factories are going up everywhere.新工厂正在各处建立起来.3)被炸掉,被烧毁:The house went up in flames.房屋被烧毁.4)进(城),上大学:go up to Peking上北京.He is going up soon.他不久就要上大学了.go with 1)与…同去.2)与…(意见)一致,和…相称,适合.go without没有,缺乏:John often goes without supper.约翰常常没有晚饭吃.

-n.【口语】①去,进行:on the go 在进行,在活动,忙碌.②事情,困难的事情:Here is a go!事情很不好办!a near go 九死一生,差点完蛋.③尝试:have a go(at sth.)尝试一下(做某事).at one go 一气(做完).④精力,精神:He is full of go.他精力充沛.⑤流行,时髦:all(or quite)the go 流行.

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