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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:07:48

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第867页(774字)


ad.①一次,一回:more than once 不止一次.once more再一次.once in every six months每六个月一次.I have seen him once.我曾见过他一次.I wind up my watch once a day.我每天上一次表.once or twice一两次.once in a while(or way)有时.once and again一再.②一度,曾经,以前:The old poor peasant once gave us a good lesson in class struggle.这位老贫农曾经给我们上了一堂很好的阶级斗争课.This novel was once very popular.这本小说一度很受欢迎.once upon a time从前,古时.

-a.从前的:a once powerful country过去的强国.

-conj.一旦:Once you understand this rule,you will have no further difficulty.你一旦了解这条规则,就不会感到困难了.

-n.一次:Once is enough for me.我一次就够了.at once 1)立刻,上:Come here at once!马上来!2)同时:Don’t all speak at once!不要都一齐说!(just)for once(=for this once)就这一次:He is right for once.这一次他对了.

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