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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:16:24

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1337页(755字)


con.j①虽然(与although意义完全相同,只是although的语气稍正式一些,它们不能与but连用,但有时可以与yet连用)He finished first though he began last.虽然他是最后一个开始,他却最先完成.Though U.S.imperialism looks formidable,actually it is not so powerful.虽然美帝国主义貌似可怕,但实际上并没有什么了不起的力量Though the factory is small, yet its products are of very good quality.这个厂虽然小,但产品质量却很好.②(在较早的英语及文学文体中,有时与虚拟语气动词连用)即使(=even if):I will try it,though I should fail.即使失败,我也要试一下.what though(古)即使…那又怎样:What though the way be long?路远有什么要紧?What though I fail?失败又能怎样?③可是:I’ll try to come,though I don’t think I shall manage it.我一定想办法来,可是,我想我不一定能来得了.

-ad.(用在口语中,一般放在句末)可是,然而:He said he would come;he didn’t,though.他说他来,可是结果没来.He will probably agree;you never know,though 他很可能会同意,不过没有人有把握.

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