
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:23:25

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第692页(4598字)



a bag of bones骨瘦如柴

a broken bone断骨

atrophic debility of bones骨痿

back bone脊柱

basal bone基骨

be injured in the sinews or bones伤筋动骨

bending of the pillar bone天柱(骨)倒

bone and joint tuberculosis骨痨

bone ash骨灰

bone black骨灰

bone conduction骨传导

bone cyst骨囊肿

bone diseases and injuries骨的疾病与损伤

bone dust骨粉

bone exhaustion骨极

bone flour细骨粉

bone formation骨形成

bone injuries骨伤;骨伤科

bone meal磨碎的骨粉

bone needle骨针

bone of inferior part of orbit

bone oil骨油

bone powder骨粉

bone remodelling骨再成型

bone setter正骨者

bone setting正骨法

bone sticking骨鲠

bone surgery骨科手术

bone tumor骨瘤

bones of the human body百骸

calf bone腓骨

cancellous bone松质骨

carpal bones腕骨

cheek bone颧骨

collar bone锁骨

compact bone密质骨

consistent bone坚质骨

cortical bone骨密质

cuboid bone骰骨

cuttlefish bone乌贼骨;墨骨(中药)

eight manipulations of bone setting正骨八法

fanny bone肱骨内髁部(尺神经沟)

flat bone扁骨

frontal bone额骨

hamate bone钩骨

heel bone跟骨

hip bone髂骨

house of the bone(marrow)髓之府

hyoid bone舌骨

inch conversion from bone measurements骨度分寸折量法

influential point of bone骨会

innominate bone髋骨

jaw bone颚骨

lacrimal bone泪骨

lentiform bone豌豆骨

leopard bone豹骨(中药)

long bone长骨

lower orbital bone

lunar bone月骨

maxillary bone上颌骨

metacarpal bone掌骨

metatarsal bone跖骨

muscles and bones筋骨

navicular bone舟骨

occipital bone枕骨

osteomyelitis of the maxillary bone骨槽风(穿腮毒)

pain deep to the bones痛入骨髓

pain in the supra-orbital bone眉棱骨痛

palate bone腭骨

parietal bone顶骨

position of the bone骨位

pubic bone耻骨

restoration of a dislocated bone to its original position骨头归由

resurrection bone骶骨

reunion of the bone接骨续筋

sesamoid bone籽骨

set a broken bone接骨;正骨

shank bone胫骨

shin bone胫骨

short bone短骨

sieve bone筛骨

skin and bone(s)瘦得皮包骨(的状态)

soreness of the bones and joints骨节烦痛

spoke bone桡骨

supra-orbital bone眉棱骨

strengthen sinews and bones坚筋骨

strengthen the bone壮筋骨

superciliary bone眉骨

tail bone尾骨

tarsal bones跗骨

temporal bone寿台骨;颞骨

the bone marrow骨髓

the eight methods of bone-setting正骨八法

the measurement of bones骨度

the steaming of bone骨蒸

thigh bone股骨

ulnar bone尺骨

unciform bone钩骨

whirl bone膝盖骨;髌骨;股骨头

zygomatic bone颧骨

Bones become dry and brittle.大骨枯槁。

He broke his rib bone.他跌断了肋骨。

She is all skin and bone.她瘦得皮包骨。

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